Earn more credit card rewards
Stephen Ou
Trove — Earn more credit card rewards
Trove automatically finds you the credit cards that earn you the most rewards based on your unique spending habits.
It has earned their average user $500 in additional credit card rewards.
Ryan Hoover
Feels a lot like NerdWallet. Which reminds me, I should probably reevaluate my credit card situation. 🤔
Jonathan Yan
@rrhoover Yep! Except no need to read any of the articles, Trove will find the best card for you automatically 🙂
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jonjyan how does this find the best card "automatically"?
Jonathan Yan
@chrismessina No need to look through your spending and compare across dozens of credit card programs to figure out which card might be best for you. Trove analyzes your spending via Plaid, "automatically" compares across the top credit cards, and then gives you a personal card recommendation.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jonjyan got it, thanks. Already a Chase Sapphire Reserve customer; Trove suggested I get a Chase Sapphire Preferred card. WDYT about getting multiple cards from the same bank?
Jonathan Yan
@chrismessina Getting multiple cards from the same issuer can make sense depending on your spending! An example is having both the Chase Saphire Reserve and the Chase Freedom Unlimited. The Reserve has great perks and 3x points on dining and travel (but only 1 point for other categories like groceries). If you're a big grocery spender, it could make sense to get the Chase Freedom Unlimited to supplement, which offers 5% cash back on groceries. With regard to your specific situation, there are instances when getting the Chase Saphire Preferred card will net you more earnings over the Chase Saphire Reserve (since the Reserve has a much higher annual fee, your spending may not justify this card)—it all just depends on your specific spending. This exact scenario is a prime example of why we built Trove. You could spend a few hours researching the pros and cons of the Saphire Reserve vs the Saphire Preferred (The Points Guy among dozens of other blogs have articles you can read like this:, or you could just get a definitive answer with Trove!
Jonathan Yan
Thanks for hunting us @stephenou! Credit cards rewards are notoriously difficult to calculate and constantly changing. There’s hundreds of cards out there and even after spending hours on NerdWallet researching, we’re still not able to answer one simple question: which card is best for me? It’s no surprise that most people are not optimizing their credit card rewards and end up missing out on hundreds of dollars per year in rewards. That’s why we built Trove. We wanted something that could simply look at our spending behavior and definitively tell us, which card would earn us the maximum rewards. Trove comes with two modes: 1. Simple: For those who simply want the single best card for their spending 2. Optimal: For those who want to maximize the number of rewards they can earn Check it out, we’d love to hear your feedback and feature requests!
Chris Einkauf
@jonjyan I know this was posted 12 months ago, but I just happened upon it, and noticed that Trove was acquired by I was just wondering: Were the Trove functionalities integrated somewhere into the CompareCredit website? (I don't see any of the types of things that were shown in this post's demo video, but maybe I just somehow missed it.)
Brian Roach
?makers how do I add my Apple Card?
Jonathan Yan
@itsbrex Plaid API unfortunately doesn't integrate with Apple Card right now. Would you be interested in a feature that allows you to upload your Apple Card transactions via CSV?
Brian Roach
@jonjyan Eh, potentially I suppose. Funny how in landing page picture the first card shown is an Apple Card..
Brian Roach
@jonjyan Maybe that is to show that that is a card that you recommend as a good rewards card?
Jonathan Yan
@itsbrex Apple Card is a great cash back card so yes!
Konark Sharma
This looks really cool.
Jonathan Yan
@konarksharma Thanks Konark!!
Phoebe Yao
Another stellar product from my favorite product designer @jonjyan - this one's a must have! Congrats on the amazing progress!
Jonathan Yan
@phoebexyao Thanks Phoebe!!
Eric Wei
Congrats on the launch! 🔥 very cool product
Jonathan Yan
@eric_wei1 Thanks Eric!
Sloane Sturzenegger
Worked great for me! Super slick signup, gets straight to the point -- saving you money! I'd save $750 with the Chase Sapphire Reserve.
Jonathan Yan
@sloanesturz Thanks Sloane, glad we were able to find you a card!
How do you determine the $ values of the various rewards programs?
Jonathan Yan
@paul_konz We try to be as conservative as possible and use the $0.01 per point industry standard. We apply all point multipliers and redemption rates and then cap rewards based on the card program's limits as well as your spending so you're getting the most accurate picture.
Santhosh Abraham
How do i unlink my accounts? I see no options to do that @jonjyan
Saurabh Sharan
@santhosh_abraham1 Please email us at from the email you signed up with and we will delete your account. Thanks for trying out Trove!
Quentin Perrot
Took me <2 minutes (1 of which was spent on remembering my bank account password...) to learn I could save an extra $800+ if I signed up with another credit card. Lightning speed with a definitive answer on a question I've been asking myself for a while... but have been too lazy to figure out by reading NerdWallet.
Jonathan Yan
@quentin_perrot Thanks for trying us out, glad we were able to find you a card!
Andrew Bakst
Jon is the best designer in the startup game
Jonathan Yan
@andrew_bakst hahaha thanks Andrew!
Saurabh Sharan
@andrew_bakst Could not agree more
Sunmi Lee
This is awesome, congratulations on launching!! I'm too lazy to do the credit card research so this is very helpful
Jonathan Yan
@sunmi_lee Thanks Sunmi!
Stephen Ou
Got to witness first hand as @saurabhsharan and @jonjyan build out their quarantine side project, designed to help people save money. I connected my bank accounts (via Plaid, just like how Venmo/Betterment/Robinhood connect to bank accounts). Trove gave me a card recommendation (Chase Sapphire Preferred) that can earn me $842 more in rewards. It took a couple extra minutes to apply for the card, and it's coming soon in the mail! I never put much thoughts into my credit card game. Having Trove give me card recommendations removed the hassles of doing research on NerdWallet.
Nastya Mikeyeva
@jonjyan Easy use of credit cards will improve your credit reputation.
Jonathan Yan
@mikeyeva Indeed! Finding the right card is especially important though. Card issuers love to sneak in complicated terms!
Mujavid Bukhari
I've always been bad with this part of my credit card situation so I'm looking forward to this!
Jonathan Yan
@mujavidb Thanks for the support!
Sebastian Valencia
OMG, such a great idea, congrats for the launch!!
Henry Yang
Interesting idea. Is there a way to get a recommendation without signing up for an account or giving you access to my payment info via Plaid? I'm thinking I would just enter amounts of how much I've spent (or will spend). Either way you would still get the referral (assuming that your method of monetization.
Jonathan Yan
@henryyang89 We were considering allowing users to enter or change their spending manually on the site or via CSV upload. Felt like connecting with Plaid was the easiest user experience and the safest since we don't ever see or store a user's credit card info. Definitely something we'll consider for future features though, thanks for the feedback!
André Jensen
Does it only work for USA? Because I tried to find my Danish and English credit unions without any luck.
Jonathan Yan
@andrejensen Unfortunately it only works in the US for now, we're adding new banks and credit unions as fast as possible though!
Aviral Saxena
Is the plaid api down or something? I can't login to my citi/chase accounts.
Jonathan Yan
@kamui_amaterasu33 Sorry abou that Aviral, we're pushing in a fix right now!
Jonathan Yan
@kamui_amaterasu33 Should be fixed now, would love for you to try it out again!
Jonathan Yan
@ghod @kamui_amaterasu33 Ahh looks like Plaid pushed a change to how their API works last week. We're working on it now, will let you know when a fix is in!
Chase Giunta
Pinging here so I get a notification when fixed. Hope to try this out! "POST 429 (Too Many Requests)"
Jonathan Yan
@chasegiunta Should be good to go now, appreciate the patience!
Jesse Hu
It's very simple to use and tells you the info it promises no bs. Nice work.
Jonathan Yan
@jessehuman1 Thanks for the support Jesse!