Cory Dolphin

The Cheddar Counter - How much do you actually earn?


The Cheddar Counter is much more than your typical cost of living calculator – it accounts for differences in salary across geographies, the impact of taxes, as well as cost of living. Think of it as the ‘big cheese’ of salary calculators.

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Christine Foo
Hi everyone, we made this tool as we found that there was alot of news coverage around high salaries around the bay area without taking in consideration the high taxes and cost of living. The focus on the nominal amount is misleading people about how much they might actually earn in discretionary income. After coming across this problem, we wondered what it was like to live in other cities around the country as designers and developers. Thus, the Cheddar Counter was born. The Cheddar Counter is much more than your typical cost of living calculator – it accounts for differences in salary across geographies, the impact of taxes, as well as cost of living. Drawing from publicly available data, this tool will allow you to see where you can earn the most income for your profession and how those dollars can be stretch by living somewhere with an overall lower threshold of taxes and living expenses. We hope you find it useful. Looking forward to your questions and feedback.
Duarte Martins
@christine_foo Thanks for the tool!
Tom Johnson
Hmmm, $17k a year for SF housing expenses seems like a dubious claim. Not sure where you can live for $1400 a month.
Tom Johnson
To turn this into a constructive comment, it would be great to be able to input your own values, or at least understand where they are coming from in the results. I like that the taxes portion is automatic, as that's not something I would know off hand, but it would be helpful to maybe put in your own current location, and expenses, and use a cost of living adjustment to factor in the results.
Love this:
Sam McRoberts
Yeah, housing numbers look WAY off. Checked multiple cities. Showed Seattle at like 9k/yr for housing, Austin at 7k. No way no how.
Brendon Brown
@sams_antics Basic Expenses are explained here: . While info seems to pull from a valid dataset, I think a lot of generalizations were made to get the single number. Probably the wrong generalizations.
Daniel Foster
This is amazing-- great work. Many people forget that living in NYC especially is a double-whammy. You need a higher income to meet basic expenses, and this is taxed at a higher tax rate. Cities in the southeastern U.S. are an especially good bargain even with lower salaries.
Dre Durr💡
This is really dope🚬
David Lux
The design is flawless, great product! The cheese/bacon/vegan switch is hilarious. Although I'm not quite sure about the estimated expenses in CA. Do you use open-data for that? An option to edit it yourself would be great!
Guillaume Flandre
Very well done, kudos!
David Carpe
the bacon it
Matthew Dougherty
design on point! 💯
Paul Dariye
Absolutely love the design and simplicity.
Jon Perlow
Thanks everybody for your feedback. We've updated the our data sources with more accurate cost of living in cities.
Taha ahmed khan
Awesome UI, are these dropdown lists/ search results powered by Algolia or its custom made
Jimmy Mackin
Cost of living #'s are laughable. Great design though
Seth Kerr
This is pretty cool! And tasteful if you know what I mean. Great job. I echo some of the same sentiment on the cost of living, though everything else seems okay.
Ari Joseph
Something I've wanted to see for a while is a mapping of the ratio of salary+cost of living:job description. It would be great to see where one has the best quality of life for their job!