Alexis Ohanian

Triplebyte - New for front-end & mobile engineering skills testing

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Alexis Ohanian
The Triplebyte team has thought more about the fine details of how to evaluate engineering skills and making the hiring process more efficient than anyone I know. If you’re a front end or mobile engineering specialist, try out their new background blind programming quiz and interviews.
Joshua Gunning
This is awesome! Great job guys. Curious (might be a dumb question with an easy answer), how do you confirm it is, in fact, the person taking the quiz that they say it is? Live recording?
Harjeet Taggar
@joshua_gunning Thanks! We don't live record the quiz but the next step after the quiz is completing one of our technical interviews. This is done over Google Hangouts with another engineer so they'd know if you're the one writing code and solving the problems.
Joshua Gunning
@harjeet very cool! Makes sense. I assume as you scale, you plan to automate a majority of this? Using facial recognition to confirm user while completing quiz among other tools to verify seem like a great next step. Excited to see where you guys go with this! Great product/service.
Howie Liu
Nice work Harj, Ammon and team!
Timothée Le Borgne
Hey! Congrats @luckwi buddy :)
Good job @harjeet and team! Will pass it on, cheers
Zak Kinion
Hey Harj, its Zak. Congrats on expanding to more test types and growing Triplebyte. I noticed a couple of bugs, one when I tried to test as a remote interview contractor from your hackernews link, which forced me to have to create another account and had to take the test twice, which you probably don't allow nor would take kindly to. Another bug, which was logging in with my original "aged" ~4 months old account, wouldn't let me select a test track to take. I'll email you and forward to support@ with steps to duplicate said bugs. It sounds like you all are doing awesome. :) Best, -Zak
Ricky Yean
nice work Bec!
Awesome work @luckwi ! Wish this was around when we first started building Pinguin. We definitely hit some rough patches finding quality devs. We ended up getting really lucky with the rockstars we have now but I know a lot of founders that this would help.
No result once you finished the test? Would love to see the score instead of "You did exceptional well". Pretty sure I screwed up in some of the questions.
Pascal Andy
Does your model work with contracts that requires few hours? I'm looking for someone that can customize our Ghost theme. Skillset requirement handlebar, git, running our docker-compose setup locally on their mac. Thanks!