Mark van den Brink

Tripetto 2.0 - Awesome smart flowing forms and surveys

Creating smart flowing forms and surveys gets fun by ‘drawing’ them in Tripetto. You choose how to share them with the world: a simple link or embedded somewhere. The form’s conversational appearance is fun for your respondents, too. For optimal response!

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Vlad Korobov
How about image uploads and saved and each answer so person can come back and continue survey?
Martijn Wijtmans
@vladkorobov Hello Vlad. Thanks for your message and good questions. An (image) upload is absolutely on our list for feature to add. We're trying to figure out the smartest way to add it to Tripetto without undermining our flexible hosting options. Also, we’d love to hear from users what they want us to add before deciding what to do next first. So again, thanks for your input. About continuing a form or survey later… If you share your form with a direct link, your respondents will be able to pause the form and continue later, right where they left off. When pausing a form, respondents can supply their email address to get a resume link in their inbox. They may then resume at any time, on any device. You can try this out by getting your form’s direct link from the Share screen, and then opening it in any browser and pausing it.
Daniel Contreras
Hey Marjin! NICE, this is amazing, you don't know how good this is, I've been trying to find an alternative for SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Enalyzer, that simply works and this does the job; just some comments: - When I was trying to log in or create an account I was sent a link to log in, i believe, but when clicking on it didn't work, I don't know if it was just me. - It takes time to know how to handle the app, and even with the "test survey" it is a bit difficult to understand, I would instead do a "Guided tutorial" to teach the users how to use the app and what each button do, how to do logic and stuff, just so it can be understood more easily. Other than that your app is just amazing, KUDOS
Daniel Contreras
Just to be clear, by guided tutorial i mean like, modals(?) Just like clickup does that appear and help you create the form from scratch instead of using the form, but i don't know, maybe it was just me...
Martijn Wijtmans
@dantnad Thank you for your kind words, Daniel. I sent you a direct message to sort your sign in troubles out. Our apologies for any inconvenience. With regard to your remarks about the usability I want to say that we are very grateful for your honesty and suggestions. Today’s launch is also about hearing from users first-hand what they think Tripetto could be better at. We will make sure to see how we can shorten and flatten the learning. We have ideas we’re working on, but your additions surely help. Thanks again!
Mark van den Brink
Hi hunters, We're very excited to release our Tripetto App today. From now on Tripetto is open for everyone to create awesome smart flowing forms and surveys. We call it conversational. In this release we focussed on making it easy (and even fun!) to create and share your forms and surveys. Check it out on We set up a Tutorial Form for you to see everything in live action right away. We hope you will take a look at it and let us know what you think. You can start creating instantly without an account and use everything for free (for now). We promise we won't forget our early adaptors. We know there's 'some' work to do 😅 We can't wait to get our hands on the UI for example. And we've got plenty of ideas for new features. So stay tuned. On behalf of the Tripetto-team, Cheers from Amsterdam 🍻
Egor Kunovsky
@mvandenbrink81 looks nice. How do you guys make money if the service is free?
Mark van den Brink
@egor_kunovsky actually, we already do 🙂! We sell the base components (that's the editor, collector and ability to develop custom blocks) used in our own app to companies who want to integrate a form/survey solution into their own products. You can learn more about those components and the pricing here: The Tripetto App if free for now. We try to attract as many users as possible and learn from their use cases and experiences. Eventually that will probably evolve to a paid subscription model. But for now, have a blast!
<3 <3 <3
Martijn Wijtmans
@damjanski Thank you very much.
Paul Shuteyev
Congrats on your PH listing guys, Tripetto looks useful! We would like to offer you to publish an interview about your form'n'survey app at please PM me at for more details if interested
Gil Nimmegeers
Really nice work guys! Any plans to integrate conversational UI and make external API calls available? Really intrigued by how this space is evolving towards a blend between conversational UI and traditional UI! :D Early supporter from the start!!
Theresa Jones
great idea