Kim Pieper

Tribe - Small business alerts on Amazon. Shop small at home.

When you select a product on Amazon, a small box appears in the corner of your browser that alerts you if a small business sells a similar product. It’s that easy. Tribe also offers info on corporate animal testing practices. More issues coming soon!

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Kim Pieper
Right now, 24% of small businesses are on the brink of closing down for good. Tribe gives you the option to support small businesses from home. Get Tribe and let's do everything we can to keep small businesses alive and thriving!
Kapil Mohan Gupta
Great idea. If possible, also highlight the product's place of origin. This information will be helpful during the purchase decision.
Kim Pieper
@kapilmohangupta I completely agree. We are planning on launching many more issues that give insight into company practices, including 'made in' labeling. Thanks so much for the feedback!