Hi, this is Mike and I'm the founder of Treendly.com, where we discover and monitor rising trends in different countries and industries.
I thought to measure what the impact caused by COVID would be now that more and more countries are opening up and life is (very) slowly going back to normal.
There are some new opportunities arising and I wanted to provide insights into what people are doing and NOT doing in this strange time.
I mainly wanted to answer these questions:
- What are some growing trends post Coronavirus?
- What are the most impacted industries?
- How are companies adapting?
Let me know how this tool can be most useful for you.
Hope it helps!
While it may be premature to be seeing post-corona trends, it's hard to argue Mike's tool doesn't see where things are going so that as we head toward a post-corona environment it's something you'd want to have in place. By the time we're officially there, it will be too late and the trends will already be well underway. I'm enjoying the trial so far...