Translucent web views are a secret superpower of the web, used by the old macOS dashboard and many great apps. Making, sharing, and placing them in virtual space is a revelation.
visionOS is unique in that simple web views can mimic most of the behaviors of the native apps, unencumbered by persistent chrome, and still very performant.
I'm excited to see what folks are able to do with with this tool - with a little work, you can make first class apps and then share them with others.
Give it a try... share feedback and any sites or clever use cases you come up with!
@alcor I tried this out, making a version of Product Hunt and Hacker News - it's really powerful! (lots of design tweaks you can do). I wasn't immediately able to improve on the plain vanilla PH app (e.g. transparent background made it hard to read) but I could see it working with other types of sites.
I really liked the semi-translucent New York Times app - it felt really nice to have it in my living space. What's your favorite app so far?
Poem/1 is my reigning favorite, but I use Discord, Netflix and some other media apps frequently
Adapting sites takes a little practice and lots of CSS hacking :D Most sites work better in Dark Mode, but you can sneakily invert others.
body { filter: invert() hue-rotate(180deg)} img {filter:invert() hue-rotate(180deg)}
[class*="styles_item"] {background:#fff3}
[class*="styles_header"], [class*="styles_input"] {background:#fff9}
Translucent: Spatial Web Apps
Product Hunt
Translucent: Spatial Web Apps