Prashant S

Transfr - Compare fees and exchange rates for money transfers


Transfr allows you to compare fees and exchange rates for sending money abroad. The service queries various service provides to fetch real-time quotes and consolidates them within a few seconds so you can easily compare the best deals available on the market.

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Prashant S
I have been working on Transfr for a few weeks. Keen to hear your thoughts and general feedback on the product.
Johan Bavaud
@prashant_s well done 👏🏻 How it is different from : ?
Prashant S
@johan_bavaud Thanks Johan! As it currently stands, my product does the same as Monito, however, this is just my starting point. I want to take it a step further and review the service providers in detail and compare their services. I am also planning on adding a section for businesses and make this the number one go-to-site for personal and business transfers. The backend of the site uses an API written in asyncio. I also want to lease my API to commercial businesses that transact high volumes and provide the API to price comparison sites (Currently, in the UK, none of them have a money transfer section). I suppose my angle is quite different as I really want to focus on B2B.
Prashant S
@pretty_boring it got aquired, new brand is
James Sear
As I said the other day — love your design :) Didn't realise that we would launch on the same day though?! 😂
Prashant S
@jpsear Thanks. Congrats on your launch too! :)
You should add Bitcoin to the list of options 😏
Prashant S
@alekplay Thanks. I'm going to start looking into this, and potentially other popular crypto.