Trance - Follow dances to your favorite songs in the privacy of home
Trance is an iOS app that lets you dance to your favorite music along with professionally choreographed dance videos that are easy to follow, no matter your skill level, anytime, anywhere. You can do it for fun (record and share), for fitness (provides approximate calories burned) or secretly in your room.
As much fun to watch other dancers as it is to dance to!
Pros:Gets me moving! Fun and easy to follow dances. Learned a few new moves.
Cons:I’m not brave enough to share my videos yet.
Shisharka Land
Product Hunt
Do you remember William Hung? A year ago, I was the William Hung of dancing. There'd be about a 10 foot radius around me at the club. Girls wouldn't go near me.
After using Trance for a few weeks, I can finally hold my own on the floor. Girls now only run away from me for my looks, not for how bad I am at pelvic thrusting across the room. I've even gotten laid. 10/10 would recommend.
Pros:couldn't dance before, now I can
Cons:still no Macarena lesson despite multiple requests