Ben Tossell

Toyota Concept-i - AI vehicle that learns about its driver

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Ryan Hoover
This looks like something from Tron. I think we've see "AI" appended to everything this week, from toothbrushes to healthy eating apps.
mike cataldo
@rrhoover I pretty sure there was AI in the hot dog I had for lunch yesterday. I mean everything else in it was artificial. 😁
Elie Teyssedou
The thing is that, Tesla compared to most of car manufacturers doesn't make concept cars. They are producing real car, affordable in large production, and smashing the car industry. I'm pretty sure that you will never drive a car such as the Toyota Concept-I. Because those car are not created with the will of being delivered some day. May be an element will remain and being integrate to a real car? But if the car industry were acting like Tesla does, we would have many more breakthroughs - along with interesting failures!
Greg Moore
Checklist for all new cars: 1. Unnaturally lit cockpit. ✅ 2. Scale like exterior that suggests the car was born from nature. ✅ 3. Wrapping front and tail lights. ✅ 4. Doors that open in very odd, inconvenient directions. ✅ 5. Freaky looking steering wheel. ✅ 6. Video with a ridiculous amount of After Effects to convey how really real the car is. ✅
Ignacio Lago
@gmoore131 7. Cover or case over wheels to limit its usage to brand new, absolutely clean, perfectly flat, made-in-heaven roads. ✅
Ben Tossell
This is what Toyota vision the motoring world will look like in 2030! Reminds me of the cars in i-Robot! You can see various coverage: TechCrunch:Toyota’s Concept-i is a vehicle designed to learn about its driver Wired:Toyota’s Concept-i Envisions an Autonomous Future That’s Actually Fun (theres lots of other of course)
Stephen Robinson
Looks cool but we all know these design concept never ever make it to the roads. It's all for show and marketing.
Niv Dror
Toyota has watched one too many sci-fi movies.
Nick O'Neill
Toyota: "We are dreaming about the future and it looks beautiful." Tesla: "The future is now and you are right Toyota, it's going great! Btw, how much did that YouTube video and landing page cost you all? It looks gorgeous!"
Mat Silva
Can't wait to drive one.
Alex Pandelidis
Meh, it's a concept.. they can make it look however they want, with whatever non-functioning/not practical technology they want. It's interesting, but not super relevant. When/if any of that gets near a production car, will be much more interesting.
Meidad Marzan
IMHO Toyota (and others) need to stop using the bright white interior design for futuristic models. Makes it look like a car for robots.
David J Bland
I'm biased on this, however I'd really love to see an automotive company create a concept car that was rapidly validated with customers, focusing on real problems.
Greg Hodson
One question: Why make this concept? Showcase cars you actually plan to ship that push the barrier.
Onur Senture
This is the ugliest thing that i have ever seen for a while. 🤢
Toyota Concept-i. • Four-wheel model which uses AI and serves as a partner that understands people. • It combines technology that un-derstands people (LEARN) with automated driving and Agent technology, and provides drivers with safety and peace of mind. (PROTECT) and fun-to-drive experiences (INSPIRE) CTN
What Car
Toyota: "We are dreaming about the future and it looks beautiful." Tesla: "The future is now and you are right Toyota, it's going great! Btw, how much did that YouTube video and landing page cost you all? It looks gorgeous!"