Johan Bavaud

Tooyoo - Manage your death online securely

Our mission is to support grieving families and avoid family conflicts.
We lessen the burden on family and friends by offering a safe place where you can document your final wishes :

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Johan Bavaud
Have you ever handled a death? Administratively I mean. How can you be sure to respect someone's last wishes? What should be arranged for the funeral? What about Twitter, Paypal, Coinbase, Facebook and Product Hunt accounts? Who is taking up Grandma's favourite painting that has sentimental value for everyone? What if it was the co-founder of your company who died ? πŸ˜• On this double date that is Halloween and All Saints' Day 2019, we introduce you tooyoo 1.0 After more than two years of development on the Swiss market, we have several thousand families who have planned their death. Several thousand families who will be able to focus only on their grief... And not on the administrative side πŸ‘†πŸ» Yep, we sell relief. Not sure you will die ? Product Hunt community built tools to remember this moment ... Check : Population Project, You Will Die in X Weeks, You're getting old, Death Clock, Passbox and WeCroak Join our POLL and give your Feedback tooyoo team We are tooyoo and we lessen the burden on family and friends by offering a safe place where you can document your final wishes. Check Our values Why to launch on Product Hunt ? Today, we introduce to you a platform that is increasingly successful in our country, Switzerland. The platform is therefore adapted to Swiss national laws. But our ambition is more global. Credits - Team tooyoo : @sandra_mavrakis, @ralph_rimet, @julien_s_ferrari and @johan_bavaud - Development on Django (Python), Javascript and HTML with Liip's team - UX/UI Design and animations with Super8 team (@fabien_besson and @sebastianhaag), @gartner (Liip) and @lebenleben (Liip)
Sebastien Flury
All these data are quite sensitive. How secured are these data @tooyoo?
Johan Bavaud
@sebastienflury Hi Sebastien, That was one of our biggest challenge: we tested our plateforme with different stress-test and we have had no intrusion. And even if it was the case, all data are encrypted on our servers. Tooyoo is based on a complex encryption system with several encryption levels to guarantee a very high level of security for your data. I could give you more information directly on our chat or e-mail. + Your information is stored in a secure digital safe and based exclusively in Switzerland. => Your data is therefore subject to the strict confidentiality and data protection laws Swiss. Which is a advantage because of our Federal Act on Data Protection. Did I reply to your question ?
pascal briod
Great to see a fellow swiss startup on Product Hunt ! I already have an account with Tooyoo and can only recommend it. Tooyoo is one of those tools you probably never thought you would need until you are in the position where you wish your loved ones had thought of this. Tooyoo makes this often dreaded task of thinking about what happens if you die something that becomes almost enjoyable to do, and it gives you the piece of mind of both knowing that your wishes will be respected and that you'll make things as easy as possible for your loved ones. @johan_bavaud maybe you could give us more information about why it's safe to share all our most sensitive information with you ?
Johan Bavaud
@pascal_briod Hey Pascal, Thanks for taking your Time to testify ! πŸ™ŒπŸ» You have got a point by saying it not easy to think about his own death. This explains why we choose lifeful colors and a smooth UX to help the experience. Security was one of our biggest concern: we tested our plateforme through different stress-test and we have had no intrusion. You can read more about security in my answer to @sebastienflury 😊
Sacha Toufani
hi there! great product! one question though: why is storing data in switzerland an advantage?
Johan Bavaud
@ftsticmrfox Hey Mr. Fox, Thanks ! I see two things. Long term The geophysical characteristics of Switzerland allow users to count on some important guarantees: among these, a secure territory isolated from earthquakes or floods which ensures the integrity of the data and business continuity (which is better for a long term solution like tooyoo). Efficient rule of law An efficient democracy and rule of law are two cornerstones on which the Swiss Confederation is based. Here, privacy protection was codified in the form of law and enshrined in the Swiss Constitution.
jan van iperen
@johan_bavaud Wow. Congratulations on the execution of this. Have been toying with this idea back in 2005 (reason I registered the main 'memente' domains in that year) in the Netherlands but found a lot of resistance with the legal side of it. Notaries really had no clue about the digital aspects. Recently posted about this as the "under the bus scenario" amongst solopreneurs over at Indie Hackers, You seem to tackle the hurdles very well: legally valid, confidential and secure. What I would love to see is an open source element that other services can easily prepare for this scenario. Have added you to the list (don't judge me please, it's really a list) over at the Swiss element has a lot of potential to pull it global. One more thing ref another comment on blockchain: there is actually a lot to say for that. But it would require tokenization and the commitment of the legal parties involved. We're not there yet but that seems like a logical future. Not planning to do anything in this area myself anymore and happy to share the ideas I had for this. Please get in touch.
Johan Bavaud
@ipears Thanks for sharing all this ideas and inputs, really appreciated ! We already plan to build a part of tooyoo on blockchain (above all death announcement). But it's too earlier for us and for our partners (State, funeral companies, ...) Open-Source, API and integration is what will work on after developing our new product to generate legal will and other documents. We aim to be the most advanced and central platform to manage everything around end-of-life.
Gengis Khan
Having lost someone recently I find your idea excellent. I still struggle a bit with execution: How will I make sure that it will work? I will be dead after all lol! Marketing-wise I suggest you find something to replace the skull and the coffin. I know it’s not easy to paint Death as something beautiful but the first impression is a bit macabre. I wish you guys all the best!
Johan Bavaud
@gengis_khan You can watch first this video video and check this page. If it's still not clear, I would be there for you. OR From our website : An interactive checklist for your loved ones When your death is announced by the chosen trusted persons and the certificate of death is validated, the platform generates a decryption key and reveals your stored information in the form of check-list interactive. Your loved ones will be companion free of charge steps by step to make managing the death as simple as possible. They will benefit from the automatic termination letter generator. Skull and Coffin are only for PH launch, we also never use the word "death" on our plateforme πŸ™πŸ» We work with psychologist and bereavement experts to build tooyoo.
Robert Zalaudek
Hi @johan_bavaud I've been dealing with the preparation for the eventual passing of people in my family and know a lot of people who have dealt with the administration of their relative's estates. This will save a lot of people a lot of time and frustration. Congrats. Did you launch on Halloween on purpose or was that unintentional? : )
Johan Bavaud
@robert_zalaudek Thanks for your kind words ! We launch on purpose : my goal was more to feed discussions during All saints day. It's difficult for people and family to have a real discussion about end-of-life and death. Who knows ? Halloween and All Saints day could open a small door ...
Mark Chen
is this a block chain shit?
Johan Bavaud
@mark_chen2 We have nothing to do with blockchain πŸ˜‰ Is it bad ?
Sebastien Flury
@mark_chen2 Even if they "would be" some blockchain behind... that's not the purpose of @tooyoo. Their service is a pain reliever for our family, once we will die (what everyone will once face). As far as I know.
Alexia Dimanow
How do you imagine the future of tooyoo ?
Johan Bavaud
@deleted-2172327 Alive ! 😁
Boris Povolotsky
@deleted @johan_bavaud is tooyoo itself secured by it's own services ;) ?
Johan Bavaud
@deleted @borispov_ 😊 Every team member as an account and we plan to develop a tooyoo Pro edition for companies.
Gercek Armagan
@johan_bavaud the cta button on the lifetime pricing says "Subscribe" as the other subscription plan, maybe you can change it to something like purchase?
Johan Bavaud
@fricklers Indeed, thank you ! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ŒπŸ»
Ralph Rimet
Hi makers ! Just a quick insight about were we wanna go in the future. tooyoo will be the reference platform about the end of life topic. After storing your important elements and asset you will able to finance your burden upfront and offer your loved one the security to have money to solve all cost of the death. You will be also able to find services and a market place with the local service providers in the end of life topic. Supporting you and your family to go through those difficult time. All our energy will be focused in the next following years to achieve the best customer experience to ease families. Hope you've got a better insight ! :-)
Sal Matteis
Tooyoo is terrific. Until now I had not seen an app that would cover such topic with a delightful and secure experience.
Livio Gamassia
How can I be sure that my data are safe?
Johan Bavaud
@liviogama Hey Livio ! As I answered with more details @sebastienflury, Tooyoo is based on a complex encryption system with several encryption levels to guarantee a very high level of security for your data.
SΓ©bastien von Roth
Can you better explain the notion of the Β« wishkeeper Β» ?
Johan Bavaud
@sebastien_von_roth These are the people you choose and will receive the information when it's time. They have access to your medical information at any time.
Sergio M.
It's kind of something I wouldn't have thought of, but now I'm really happy to have this set up!
Johan Bavaud
@sergio_mendolia Our pleasure ! πŸ™ŒπŸ»
Adelle Archer
Love this!! Do you support American customers or is it just Swiss right now?