Kerem Başalı

Toolsy - Etsy SEO and inspiration tool

Find what’s selling well on Etsy, so you can launch better, sell more, build bigger, and capture more of the market! Toolsy empowers you to analyze and follow Etsy competitors, with exceptionally accurate data, saving you hundreds of hours of manual research

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Tina Nenevolia
Hello, I'm Khrystyna. I'm an Etsy seller, Etsy U instructor for 2022, and Co-founder of Toolsy. We develop Toolsy together with a great team @bglcler @yusuferen @eren_turunc and @k_basali I was born and raised in Lviv Ukraine and moved 11 years ago to Istanbul - Turkey. For 2 years I have made over 8K sales and more than 1K positive reviews. I love to be on Etsy and part of this community. We love to contribute to people, In Turkey, we made a huge big community, and last week we made a great meeting in Istanbul but this post is not for this. For a long time, we spend a lot of money and time building Toolsy is Etsy Seo and an inspiration tool for Etsy sellers. I can write very long about Toolsy but I like to keep it short. Toolsy is free to use also we have paid plan. We have 7K users and we are getting bigger and bigger every single day. We have some unique features and very useful extensions. Keyword Search, Shop Search, Follow-competitor, Reports (This is alpha features), and Rank checker. I like to answer your questions if you have any about Toolsy. Especially if you have any reviews for Toolsy that would be highly appreciated. Since the first day, we decided to build Toolsy one of my dreams is to create this topic in the Etsy community. Thank you, Etsy for giving us the opportunity to make our dreams come true.
@bglcler @yusuferen @eren_turunc @k_basali @tina_nenevolia Congratulations on the launch 🚀
Yusuf Eren
@fares_aktouf Thanks, Fares!
Bengisu Karatas
I would like to thank Toolsy and its great team for making my work easier and saving me time. @tina_nenevolia @k_basali @bglcler @yusuferen @eren_turunc
Yusuf Eren
@bengisu_karatas thank you for your nice words!
Kerem Başalı
@ankit_sparks Hope you like the
Özgür Özsezer
Perfect tool for Etsy Sellers. 💯
Kerem Başalı
@ozsezer Thank you so much
Tina Nenevolia
@ozsezer Thank you, we really appreciate it 😊
Bahattin Duran
It's amazing tool for Etsy sellers. Thank you!
Kerem Başalı
@bdurangg I have to say Thank you for all your support mate :)
Tina Nenevolia
@bdurangg Thanks a lot Bahattin! An amazing tool for an amazing seller 👍
Ersin Balcı
Toolsy is a great tool for Etsy. It provides most detailed informations and reports about Etsy. Its unique features make me one step ahead of my competitors. Congrats team!
Kerem Başalı
@ersin_balci Really appreciate your support!
Tina Nenevolia
@ersin_balci Thank you so much! It makes us really happy to see how useful is our tool for other Etsy sellers 😁
Çağdaş YAVAŞ
Too simple, too effective and too user-friendly program. You should use Toolsy in order to increase your e-commerce sales. Thanks to all developers for this useful product.
Kerem Başalı
@cagdas_yavas Thanks so much for the support! It means a ton to us.
Tina Nenevolia
@cagdas_yavas Thanks a lot for your support 🙂
Hulya Yıldızel
Great work! Make my Etsy journey easy. Thanks everyone who creates it:)
Kerem Başalı
@hobilim Thanks so much for the support! It means a ton to us. @bglcler @yusuferen @eren_turunc
Tina Nenevolia
@hobilim Thank you for your support ❤️
Hasan Babalık
Severek kullandigim mükemmel e ticaret aracı. işimi kolaylaştırıyorlar teşekkürler @k_basali
Kerem Başalı
@hasan_babalik Ben teşekkür ederim. Umarım Etsy konusunda katkısı oluyordur.
Tina Nenevolia
@k_basali @hasan_babalik Çok teşekkür ederiz 🙂
yener yaygıngöl
I have used it in different applications. but Toolsy is the best. user-friendly, understandable interface, and most importantly useful features that other programs do not have. In short, I was very satisfied. Thanks to those who contributed.
Kerem Başalı
@yener1636 Thank you so much for your support :)
Tina Nenevolia
@yener1636 Thank you so much for your nice words, it really motivates us a lot. We will do everything possible to keep you satisfied by developing our tool and adding more and more useful features 🥳
Selda E
Amazing tool. Congratulations to the team 👏👏👏
Kerem Başalı
@selda_ercan Thanks so much for the support! Yes, we have great team :)
Tina Nenevolia
@selda_ercan Thank you, we appreciate your feedback 🙂
Can Kaya
A very useful tool. I think every Etsy seller should use it.👏👏
Kerem Başalı
@cank indeed. Thanks so much for the support!
Tina Nenevolia
@cank Much appreciated 🙏 we are of the same opinion 🙂
Kerem Başalı
@denizcansanlav Thanks so much for the support!
Usama Ejaz
Thanks for this! I'll definitely check out Toolsy.
Kerem Başalı
@usamaejaz Thanks so much for the support! It means a ton to us.
Tina Nenevolia
@usamaejaz Thank you 🙏 We will be happy to assist you in case you need anything 🙂
Faruk Durak
congratulations, good luck.
ilkay Kaya
Best product for etsy 👍
Kerem Başalı
@microblogilku It's great that we agree :)
Davor Kolenc
I just love these kinds of tools that help small businesses make a decent living, either as the main or side hustle. Great job. Good luck today!
Tina Nenevolia
@davor_kolenc We truly appreciate your support!
hasan uysal
A user friendly tool with the features I need for Etsy.Great job.Thank you team.
Yiğit Konur
Great tool! I am sure that many Etsy sellers will benefit from this kind of solution. It is a growing trend to have specialized performance tracking tools for marketplaces. I am sure that you are one of the first movers in this market, so your pricing is still attractive. I wish you the best of luck, and I will let everyone who sells on Etsy about this solution, it sounds so exciting.
Tina Nenevolia
@yigit_konur Thanks a bunch! We really appreciate your support!
Paul Rusyn
Cool product, good luck with it 🚀 If you need some help with the logo and brand identity, feel free to contact me!
Tina Nenevolia
@pavell2l Thank you for the nice words! We will definitely keep you in mind 🙂
Bengi Dolgun
Congratulations! Very nice tool from experienced sellers and great team.
Tina Nenevolia
@bengido Thanks for everything 🙂