Hello, everyone!
I wanted to do something new in the world of sharing links.
See an example https://tony.surf/tony
I will be happy to answer any questions and suggestions for improvement.)
@anthemaker I'm interested to find that out as well. Looks like he's also trying to sell lnky.in on Flippa; might just be rebranding the same thing to sell it on later.
It looks nice, and I can definitely see it as something useful, but it would be really beneficial (imo) to have some sort of description of what it is and what it does, and maybe even some features on the landing page.
Right now you kind of pull up and dive straight in, not very intuitive.
I just made my account on tony.surf (https://tony.surf/angshumanroy) to check out the website. It is so much better than LinkTree. We can upload custom images for every post and add as many links we want, this is amazing and the best part is all of it is so easy to do and totally free of cost. The editor is smooth. The only problem I faced is it only allows 7:9 ratio images I will request the makers if they can make amends regarding that. Other than that I didn't come across any issue, the mobile version also looks really good. All the Instagram accounts out there paying for linkinbio services can use it, it a really good alternative to those. I hope it remains free.
I can't update my information please help We're sorry, but something went wrong.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information. this gives the error