It's sort of like Tumblr meets Medium meets Pinterest for people interested in Art. It's not Ello, which has an arty vibe, but isn't *about* Art. I'm curious if this self-selection bias will hold, and whether the site will attract the Fine Art crowd... There's already Artsy and Curiator, but Tondo feels more like a publishing platform with a greater emphasis on social connection.
@chrismessina@rrhoover Hey Chris, Ryan. I've added @saul_ingram as a maker. A tweet went out from PH about an hour ago confirming, but he's not appearing. Just wondering if there's any hiccups due to the redesign. Thought I'd mention just in case.
@chrismessina Hey Chris, thanks for the share to Product Hunt. We are attracting both the fine art crowd and the enthusiast at the moment. We come from the inside of the art world, with my co-founder and I working at Sotheby's for over 30 years combined and we are opening the space up to everyone for real tips, advice and storytelling. We let the most popular voices rule, not just the most experienced. We are really new so have limited features and will be launching many more over the next few months as well as our App. Super happy you joined us
@saul_ingram@chrismessina Hi Saul. Tondo is an interesting word I've never come across before, so I had to do a quick search— 'A Tondo is a Renaissance term for a circular work of art, either a painting or a sculpture.' I feel smarter already :-)
I had a quick look. It was nice and easy to login through Facebook with a quick click. It seems like a really inviting and inclusive place for artists to share their work and stories. Good job!
@prattarazzi@chrismessina Thanks! We wanted a term that was art related but not obviously and the circular aspect works perfectly with the community and connection part.
Glad you liked it. We are not just for artists, we are for the art professional, service providers etc all the way to enthusiasts. We have great galleries, collectors, art fairs etc on tondo and we want to bring them together and let them help one another navigate this sometimes difficult space. Put up a post about your favorite work of art and why? You never know, you might get addicted.
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