Tome is a tool for creating stories at work—whether it's about strategy, design, data, or a personal message. Tomes are visual, interactive, connected: easily shared with your team or audience on the web.
Hi everyone, I’m excited to tell you about Tome. I've been working with the team behind this for the past two years. Tome makes it easy to share ideas, which helps us arrive at better alignment—whether it’s about work or what’s happening in the world today. This is something I'm really passionate about.
With Tome, you don’t need to squeeze your thoughts into a constrained page. Instead, you can write and input content freely, and the canvas will adapt to fit. It'll also handle layouts automatically, so that you can focus on your content's narrative rather than how it looks.
I believe Tome can make alignment easier with the tools it provides to connect you with your audience. You can annotate or overlay video to further explain your thinking, embed interactive data, and get feedback regarding what your audience has spent the most time on.
I can't wait for more of us to use Tome. With better tools to share our knowledge, experience, and stories, we can build a stronger community and get a lot more done!
@reidhoffman thank you for the hunt!
👋🏼 Hi everyone! I’m Henri, cofounder at Tome.
My cofounder Keith & I noticed that slide tools (the go-to for sharing + presenting our work) forced us to focus more on formatting than on crafting a message.
Viewing slides isn't a great experience either—especially on a phone. (This makes it hard to get aligned on a deck you're finishing the night before a review. 😅)
Lastly, slides aren't great for the kind of work we do now, e.g. a product demo in motion, a 3d scene, or an interactive chart from a dashboard on the web.
We wanted a tool that solves these problems, so we created Tome. Tome is a storytelling tool built for people who create things.
We've seen designers use it for product reviews, PMs for status updates, and engineers for internal tech talks. Here's one I made:
What you can expect from the product today:
- Dynamic, drag & drop, tile-based format that lays out content for you
- First-class experience on mobile, in our native app and in the browser
- Video narration for each page
- Comments, @mentions, and seen-states for you + your team
- Text editing powered by markdown
- Image and video editing (including cropping, trimming, and auto-background color matching)
- Tables with formatting, colors, and drag & drop rows/columns
We've been building alongside our early users at Snap, Superhuman, and Instagram who use it for internal design demos, reviewing customer feedback, and team all-hands.
I'm excited to hear what you think. We've just started building embeds & integrations for web services like Figma, Framer, Looker, Airtable, etc. Let us know what else you'd like to see in Tome!
Sign up at
@reidhoffman@mentions@henri_liriani1 So excited to try this out! Looks absolutely fantastic & I'm sure this will be a huge success! When do you expect it to release?
Blown away by the polish and ingenuity in this product, given it's just coming to market now. Stoked for this team and what they're building. Eager to adopt this personally!
This looks amazing. Sounds like something that would be useful for quick idea generation. I always tell my team to focus on putting their ideas on paper rather than worrying about the format or it’s presentation. This would solve their angst and help them bring ideas to the world faster.
@ije1 Glad you mentioned this. We had to coach people on how to build presentations in our previous jobs and we always asked folks to write out the story on paper before moving it to slides. Tome is designed for you to write out the narrative first and drop in artifacts after. Excited to onboard you over the next couple of weeks and get your thoughts.
@rrhoover the most common we’ve seen are (1) product / design demos and (2) meeting “decks” like for an all hands. Have definitely been surprised by a few though! Like leave-behinds for sales / customer success.
No more turning my head sideways to look at google slides in full res on my phone. Tome is how everyone should be communicating ideas at work. Congrats on the launch!
I've been on the beta for Tome for the last couple months and have liked it a lot. It lets me focus on the narrative and content of my ideas, and frees me from having to think about all the layout, font size, and arrangement in Keynote. And the results still look great and professional.
I hadn't realized how many things were in a middle zone between a notion doc & a keynote preso until I started using Tome. I also like that it makes a mobile-friendly version of your deck for others to read, too.
Been using this in beta for a bit and I’ve never gone back to the old way of story telling. This is the easiest way to build narratives and the team is so quick to respond to feedback and requests. Way to go @kpx33 and team!
Congrats on the launch, this looks awesome! Being a great storyteller feels more important than ever with everything moving remote + async.
Submitted our beta request, can't wait to get my hands on it.
Attention has become the most scarce commodity in our lives. This looks like a great way to share customer stories with propective clients online rather than making them download eBooks and case-studies. Great work!
@kevinnatanzon thank you! Right now we’re onboarding about 100 people / week as we set up our self serve. Would love to get you using it and hear your thoughts!
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