AI health coach for people with chronic conditions.
Anthony Krivonos

Toma — AI health coach for people with chronic conditions

Toma is a ✨brand new✨ diet tool trusted by patients and nutritionists alike to track symptoms and pinpoint trigger foods without the need for an elimination diet. Currently, we let users perform elimination diets and track meals using AI.
Anthony Krivonos
Hey everyone! My friends and I all live with different chronic conditions, and we've been using diet to alleviate a lot of our symptoms. After exhausting the long list of food trackers that are tedious and unfocused on trigger foods, we've decided to put an AI spin on it. We've also worked with registered nutritionists to replicate the elimination diet used by many to determine trigger foods. Let us know what you think! ~ Anthony
Ayesha Awan
Well done on the launch of Toma! This is a great tool for people looking to manage their diet and pinpoint trigger foods.