Mack Flavelle

Toby - Better Than Bookmarks


Bookmarks are for books, not browsers. Organize your browser tabs into Toby so you can access key resources in one click instead of seven. Toby is browser extension that helps organize your tabs.

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Davor Babić
Is any, and if so what, of my information sent to your servers?
Arthur Camara
@davor_se nothing is sent to our servers. In fact, Toby is a client side only app, so we have no way of knowing which tabs you add to Toby, or names you give to your lists. We do use third party software for analytics, though, and meta data is sent anonymously so we can learn how people are using it. We just count how many times Toby or the pop up was used in general, how many times a tab was added or removed, a list was added or removed, or a card was clicked. We also use google analytics for the site.
Arthur Camara
@danr_4 I'll link the privacy policy we use today and send you the link
Mack Flavelle
@danr_4 Hi! We're getting the privacy policy sorted out now. Will be done ASAP. Clearly the underlying principal is we won't be shitty, but apparently lawyers want more then that. **Head Shake**
Alex Bulat
@davor_se in case you don't want to transfer any info to third-party servers, you need this
Arthur Camara
@davor_se @danr_4 @bulat_alex @mackflavelle YAY! We have a privacy policy page now!! Wohooooo! Here it is:
Raphaël Chabaud
Lots of extensions are competing to get the Chrome New Tab space ! I used to have the Product Hunt Extension showing up today's hunt in my New Tab. And I like to have it. So how can I keep PH Extension for my new tab and use Toby at the same time ? It would be nice to have the possibility to use Toby without being forced to have it in a new tab.
@raphc this exactly, I use speed dial a lot and I'm not sure I'm ready to give it up to use Toby (as much as I love the UI).
@raphc Would be pretty rad to open the tabs from inside the context menu next to your URL bar I think
Arthur Camara
@raphc @tgerin @dtireli @jamielovelace You can use it without having it in a new tab :) When you install it, it will use your new tab, but if you want to use something else as a new tab, you still can continue to use Toby. Click the Toby icon and you'll see button "Open Toby". That will open the dashboard in case you don't want to have it on your new tab :) Great point, though! Thanks a lot for your feedback and for trying it out! Let me know if you have any other thoughts
Adam Snodgrass
@raphc there's an idea for an extension. A Chrome New Tab extension that has an API for other extensions to inject widgets from other extensions.
Arthur Camara
@fogueiravb @raphc Right... haha You can still use Toby if it's not your default new tab. Just click the Toby icon and then the button "Open Toby". Then you'll see all your lists.
Michael Babich

Downloaded. Couldn't even try it stopped by request to register account. If every minor Chrome extension would require registration for usage, it would be nightmare. There are OneTab that does similar job very good with no need to provide an email.

This one looks like hustling to get your contacts and spam you.




I'd never recommend anything that requires registration to even see. A small utility like many that has absolutely no need for registration.

Kristiyan Tsvetanov
@michaelbabich Hi there, I know this is comment is old. Yet, the problem is still relevant. Regarding your Cons, I created Startab, you can check it out on - It allows you to manage your tabs, bookmarks, and events. - Your links are stored only on your device as bookmarks. - Use without registration. Optionally, log in with Google Calendar to see upcoming events on your new tab. - Serves similar purpose to Toby and One Tab, save all tabs with 2 clicks, then open them together in a tab group. - No Google Analytics. It would be disabled by default if we implement any.
Hannah K Zambrano

Downloaded the product, looks great and perfect for a big problem I have had for years with bookmarks and then later realized that my brownser home page had change to toby?!?! what?? not cool. If you will change a setting in my browser you HAVE to let me know, and if you did let me know then it was not clear AT ALL.


Really nice onboarding and interface

Easy to use


I got deceived, and now google is no longer my browser home page but is Toby... why?

Drew Bridwell
Toby changes the "New Tab" page, a function clearly stated in the description in the Chrome Store. If your browser is set to open a new tab when clicking the home button then Toby becomes your home page... You can switch what is opened with the home button in Chrome's settings, which I suggest going through before changing default functionality with extensions.
Haoyang Feng
Any plan for Safari?
Arthur Camara
@sergiosa_la @haoyangnz Haven't thought about it yet, but I'll def consider it! :) Thanks for trying it out guys
Bruno Nascimento
@arthur_camara @sergiosa_la @haoyangnz If you build this for Safari, I'll gladly give you my wallet.
Mack Flavelle
My friend Arthur is one of the productivity nuts. Always looking for a way to claw back precious time stolen by shitty processes and stupid UX design. So he built Toby, cause tabs suck! Toby makes them not suck. Or not as much at least. Most of us at the office are using this religiously now. It makes managing waaaaay to much information much more gooder. We (but really he) would love to answer your questions about why he built it, why the other solutions on the market weren't the right fit for him, and some of the cool features we plan on launching in the next couple weeks.
Jonathan Tzou
@mackflavelle Thank you for this. As a tab hoarder myself, this is godsend.
Nico Ford
My name is Nico, and I am a tab addict. Toby saves. Try Toby!
Daniel Williams
First off, this is amazing. I've really been wanting something like this. The UI and UX are spot on for the most part. I have one small feature request for the future: Please add the ability to remove a tab from your Toby quickly through the chrome extension. I like that I can add websites to Toby quickly, but when I'm finished reading something from my 'Read Soon' list, I'd like to tap the chrome extension and click a minus button somewhere so I don't have to open a new blank Toby tab just to remove and manage that specific item. Amazing product! Edit: after a bit of usage I realized that tab lists are not shared between installations. Unfortunately a deal breaker for me as I constantly hop between my mac and PC. Will this ever be implemented in the future? :(
Arthur Camara
@xcadaverx Thanks for the review, Daniel. Yes, both of those are part of our plans for the very near future. Great to see our efforts are aligned with your needs. More specifically, the sync feature is ALMOST there, I'd say 95% done. Archiving a tab from Toby easily is also in my plans and will be nice to have as well, like you described. Thanks again, and let me know if you have any additional thoughts.
Daniel Williams
@arthur_camara How exciting! Can I join a mailing list to be notified when syncing is enabled, or will the extension automatically update? Cheers!
Mack Flavelle
@xcadaverx @arthur_camara We should get a mailing list up and running, but for now I promise to message you here on PH/ or twitter when it's ready to fly.
Johnny Hill
@mackflavelle @arthur_camara Agreed, a mailing list would be fantastic! I'm excited to see all the features that get added to this—it already does enough (hallelujah Toby), but with a couple more this thing will rule the internet. Also, thanks for releasing it for free, but you should really have a donate link on your site... This thing is worth its weight in gold. :)
Arthur Camara
@xcadaverx @thejohnnyhill @mackflavelle There are now live!!! YAY If your Toby has already been upgraded to version 0.2.2 you can already remove websites easily by using the right click. You can remove from a list or from all lists. You can also remove from a list using the pop up. Also, you can sync tabs across devices that use the same Google account, using Google Drive. I hope you try Toby again, Daniel. Let me know how it goes. Read more about other features here:
Tony Freed
@mackflavelle Love it! Really helpful. One thing I would love you to add is an option to rename tabs. Great job!
Arthur Camara
@tony_freed @mackflavelle Great point! I'll look into that and let you know when we add it. Thank you
Bruno Stasse
Really nice! I've been looking for something like this for a very long time. Why disable special characters in the sections name and in the search though? My language (French) uses characters like "é" or "à", and no way to use them there :/
Arthur Camara
@brunostasse Very valid point. I'll make sure to reanable that in the next release! Thanks for your feedback and let me know if you have any additional thoughts. I hope Toby helps you :)
Arthur Camara
@brunostasse Check out the new updatesm Bruno. I added special characters to list names and you can now use French. Or Japanese. Or Swedish - you name it :) I hope you enjoy version 0.2.2. Let me know if you like it.
YeJun Su
Does Toby support export and restore ?
Arthur Camara
@goofansu Not yet but that's soon coming! It's aaalllmmmooost done :) Stay tuned. Thanks for using Toby! I hope it helps you
Arthur Camara
@goofansu Now you can sync with Google Drive (version 0.2.2). Let me know if that solves your problem. I hope you like it. Let me know.
YeJun Su
@arthur_camara Thank you. I upgraded to 0.2.2 and enabled sync to Google Drive. But I cannot see anything in Google Drive.
Arthur Camara
@goofansu Awesome YeJun. That's right, you can't see the file on Google Drive because Google has a special API for third-party apps. Toby only has access to its own folder in your Drive, not all files. App folders are hidden from users. It's good for apps because they don't access your other files and also good for the users because they don't accidentally modify or delete the files.
Some Guy
"Toby, how are you not murdered every hour?"
Arthur Camara
@ghobs91 hahaha "You think I have a machine for measuring bee hives?" But seriously, Toby was named after my dog. And it kinda sounds like Tabs, sort of. So there's a fun fact for you.
Trello for Tab Hoarding!
Brian Jordan
@mackflavelle this looks awesome, excited to try it out! Curious about the development process—did you discover anything unexpected once you started using it, or did the final version end up being close to the initial design vision?
Arthur Camara
@bcjordan @mackflavelle The final version ended up looking quite like the initial design vision, with some changes and simplifications here and there. The idea was always to have a board for my tabs, and drag them around. Some original ideas we still plan on adding (like integrating with your history), and others just came along the way, like better way to highlight search items and overall design. If you want to check out one of my early experiences with the UX, check out this codepen I wrote a while ago and drag "tabs" around: I think the most unexpected thing I found was all the different ways people have been using Toby. Some people really use it to organize their tabs, and other have repurposed it to function like a Todo list or bookmarks. It's awesome to see all the different ways people use it and get feedback from each one of them. Thanks for trying it out and let me know if you have any thoughts Brian.
Brian Jordan
@arthur_camara that's awesome, thanks for sharing that! Love using CodePen as a way to quickly mock up an idea
Arthur Camara
@bcjordan Yep, same here. CodePen is fun. I haven't had time to post much over there lately, but feel free to check out a few things I have in there ;)
Christopher Hopkins
Neat! It would be nice if it allowed you to add "pinned" tabs and recall that state when they're restored similar to how "Session Buddy" does it :)
Arthur Camara
@hopkinschris Yeah, I thought pinned tabs shouldn't be draggable because they're always there anyways, but I should give it another thought! I'll also look into Session Buddy and check out how that works. Thanks for using Toby, Christopher!
Arthur Camara
@mikelholford @hopkinschris Hey guys, I changed the way pinned tabs work now. So, you can drag them (but they wont close) and they look different, so you know which ones are pinned. There's also a new "Save Session" feature that I find really handy. Let me know what you think of version 0.2.2 and keep those thoughts coming. They are really helpful. Thanks! Also, you can read a blog post about all the new features here:
Christopher Hopkins
@arthur_camara Nice work! I gave it a quick try but still doesn't do the trick for me compared to "Session Buddy". When I see "Save Session" and click that I expected all of the pinned and non-pinned tabs open in my current browser window to be saved to a single list and the tab's state (pinned vs. unpinned) to be stored so I can restore a saved session after Chrome closes or I have to do a restart. I will circle back soon! The UI/UX is next level compared to "Session Buddy".
Arthur Camara
@hopkinschris alright Chris. Thank you for giving it a try :) I guess the pinned tabs are used very differently by different people and some hate to have them being closed - ever (that's why they pinned them in the first place). But I'll make sure I give it some extra thought and brainstorm a lot on this to see what we can do to make folks who use tabs like you're describing happy with Toby as well. I appreciate your feedback :) have an awesome week
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
This is lit! I just created a list for what I was working on yesterday. I'll reopen them this afternoon. Now, I only have the tabs I am currently working on opened.
Arthur Camara
@ldesserrey Great to hear Laurent! Let me know how it's working for you
Taylor Poe
@arthur_camara @mackflavelle Shoooot this looks great. I'm a bit bummed though — been developing the same concept by myself in my free time for a few months. I finished it but hadn't announced it yet due to not having the marketing page done. Check it out: Congrats on the launch, guys!
Mack Flavelle
@taylorpoe @arthur_camara THAT's THE WORST. It's the only lame part of PH, when you see somebody had almost shipped something and somebody else got something similar out the door right before. But Mono-Tab looks cool. If you want me to post it to Product Hunt when you're ready let me know and I'll get it done!
Taylor Poe
@mackflavelle @arthur_camara Thanks, and that's super kind of you. Congrats again on the release — the product design is really nice! I'm going to make sure I'm not building the same thing as you guys for the next project, that's for sure. ;)
Arthur Camara
@taylorpoe @mackflavelle Thanks Tea! And I'm definitely checking your extension as well.
Taylor Poe
@arthur_camara Thanks for checking it out! It's kinda nice too right? Like I said to @mackflavelle though, you guys really knocked it out of the park! Love the product design and implementation. Super tasty stuff. Also checked out Once I make the plunge into VR I'm going to be headed over to see what you guys are up to.
Andrew Richard
Am so addicted to oneTap chrome extension, what made this better?
Arthur Camara
@basictechy To me, the user experience and the interface of Toby make it unique. But yeah, there are tons of good extensions out there and people are productive in different ways, so as long as this helps other people as much as it helps me, I'm super happy and stoked to keep developing it. Thanks for trying Toby, Andrew!
Andrew Richard
@arthur_camara oneTap as a way of moving tabs to no new desktop, am scared I might lose important links if my system crash. Can I backup or something
Arthur Camara
@basictechy You'll be able to backup soon, that's almost there - I'd say 95% done. But not in the current version. I'll push a new version as soon as we finish that.
This is AWESOME! Currently using #onetab but the UX&UI sucks! ;) @mackflavelle Thanks!
Arthur Camara
@menjvillalobos That was also one of my initial thoughts - focusing on UX and UI a bit more was key. Thanks for using Toby
@arthur_camara cool! :) I hope you can add the option to hide the right "sidebar". That would be awesome!
Arthur Camara
@menjvillalobos I had that in an early prototype, maybe I'll reintroduce it and ask what you guys think. Thanks for the feedback.
Marie C.
This is A M A Z I N G. Reading your replies, I understand the intention behind not including pinned tabs. If you decide to stick to that, UX-wise it would be helpful to have some tooltip saying 'can't drag pinned items!'. Pinned items will be on top & people would usually try that first. Felt like a bug! Aside from that I love this!!
Arthur Camara
@mariepoopins Great point! I totally understand how it might feel like a bug if that's the first tab you try to drag. Good insight, thanks for sharing Marie!
Arthur Camara
@mariepoopins Updated this! Let me know how you like version 0.2.2
Arthur Camara
@mariepoopins Yes! Glad you like it Marie