Maksym  Potapenko

Toast - Browser Tab Organizer

Toast is a simple and lightweight extension that allows you to save all tabs in the open window
– Sync of sessions across browsers and devices
– Session sharing
– Web dashboard with sessions
– Native extensions available for Safari, Chrome, Firefox & Opera

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Semih Masat
Looks like this can be a really useful tool for me. Any plan for firefox?
Maksym  Potapenko
@semihmasat Thanks for comment, now we're working mostly under device synchronization. But in the future we will try to support FF too.
Maksym Shynkarenko
@semihmasat @0xsven We have awesome news for you :) Toast for Firefox is just released! Additionally, we have a huge discount for yearly plan right now (only until Feb 14).
Андрій Максимець
Workona is better
Maksym  Potapenko
@new_user_f28e992aa8 Could you describe please why do you think so?
Ernest Brugger
Does not restore pinned tabs?... not so good.... (
Maksym  Potapenko
@ernest_brugger thanks for your comment, we just uploaded new Safari version which recognized pinned tabs. Check it out.
Maksym  Potapenko
@ernest_brugger hey, check new Safari build in store.
This will be amazing for research! Can't wait to use it :D!
Maksym  Potapenko
@jic94 Please enjoy! Toast just released a new version with really cool unrepeatable features like: – Sync of sessions across browsers and devices – Session sharing – Web dashboard with sessions (accessible even on mobile) – Toast available for Safari, Chrome and Opera
Yash Kothari
I love the simplicity of this tool!
Mitul Shah
is this like Toby? but simpler? i love it then
Maksym Shynkarenko
@typicalmitul Yes, it is similar to Toby, it is a session manager as well. And the goal of it is to be as simple and comfortable as possible.
Aniket Thakkar
It's a good lightweight tool. But @workonahq has now become a part of work-life that's too hard to replace. Good look to both of them for solving something the browsers should have solved on their own.
Michael Fröhlich
@maksym_potapenko great product! I can say, I enjoy using it after testing it for two days now. A small suggestion for an improvement, would be to order the different Sessions alphabetically or allow the user to define a custom order.
Maksym  Potapenko
@michael_froehlich Thanks for the comment.
Ankit Saigal
Super cool. I did it with a short python script but this is super convenient. Thanks!
Maksym  Potapenko
We will be glad to get your feedback​ about the ​first version. If you like Toast, feel free to share with friends🤓
Айгам Шамали
Awesome tool
I think it's super useful! Thank you! An option to let me keep the pinned tabs from closing would be a fantastic addition for me :)
Maksym  Potapenko
@behrouzix hey, thanks for reaching, now I'm glad to report that this feature is available in AppStore. Check it out.
Love it, this a better, simple alternative and being free to give even share others
This is great. I don't have a lot of RAM, but I really like having a lot of tabs open, so being able to save them and still use the browser with only a few tabs is a godsend.
Maksym  Potapenko
@erikmenhaim Thanks a lot for the comment!
Jagdish Tandia
Awesome tool thanks
Maksym  Potapenko
@health_beauty Glad to hear! Toast just released a new version with really cool unrepeatable features like: – Sync of sessions across browsers and devices – Session sharing – Web dashboard with sessions (accessible even on mobile) – Toast available for Safari, Chrome and Opera
Evgeny Pozdeev
Really cool! Simple and nice, thanks!
Maksym  Potapenko
@yevgeniy_pozdeyev Thanks a lot! Toast just released a new version with really cool unrepeatable features like: – Sync of sessions across browsers and devices – Session sharing – Web dashboard with sessions (accessible even on mobile) – Toast available for Safari, Chrome and Opera
Imran Hussain
If you could add syncing between Safari and Chrome, this product would be perfect.
Maksym  Potapenko
@imran_hussain1 Hi! I glad report that this feature is available now, please update your extension and check it out:)
Khaled Aly
Does this connect to any external servers?
Maksym Shynkarenko
@khaledealy It doesn't send any of your data to an external server. Everything is stored locally inside your browser.
Susanne Anders
Don't know how I managed the internet without it. Thanks for a work life-saving app! 👍
Maksym  Potapenko
@skankinpenguin Thanks a lot! Toast just released a new version with really cool unrepeatable features like: – Sync of sessions across browsers and devices – Session sharing – Web dashboard with sessions (accessible even on mobile) – Toast available for Safari, Chrome and Opera
Thank you for giving me my life back. This has become a requirement on my Brave Browser. I'm down to actually using only one browser and only my session tabs. Miracle.
Maksym  Potapenko
@stef_b Thanks a lot! Toast just released a new version with really cool unrepeatable features like: – Sync of sessions across browsers and devices – Session sharing – Web dashboard with sessions (accessible even on mobile) – Toast available for Safari, Chrome and Opera