@thomasmeagher Yep, and Charted is really amazing.
I actually learned about it while working on this, but thought it was still worth it to try a slightly different approach.
With Tinychart people can quickly experiment and generate a chart to paste into a document for example, whereas Charted seems to be targeted at charting very large datasets that you obtain from somewhere else.
One inspiration was Omnigraphsketcher, an old product from OmniGroup (http://www.omnigroup.com/omnigra...).
@lechienvic are you going to open-source it or build a saas service on top of this? Would love to have this lightweight charting functionality(creation&display) inside own products.
@nikitakorotaev Hi! It has been open source all along but I failed to link to the GH repo. There you go: https://github.com/vdel26/tinychart
I would love to see anything that you build with it inside your products :)
I am very interested: what features would you find useful to have as a service?
@rodrigoprior Great that you found it useful! :) I was thinking what to add next and that was one of the ideas. Another idea is to allow generating URLs to share chart pages (not just the image, but a unique link to your chart).
What would you prefer?
One thing that would be great would be the ability to get a URL for the chart (rather than having to download it and upload it for sharing). Maybe a one-click Imgur upload?
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