It's basically image-based polling with friends. While it borrows the social dynamics and swiping UX of Tinder, this seems kind of random (and to be clear, I don't mean that in a critical way). What's the backstory, @jmj?
@rrhoover@jmj We wanted to make something that provided the the fun of Tinder (swiping) that would be accessible to everybody in hopes to expand the way in which people perceive and can use Tinder. We always have a lot of different tangents we'd like to take with Tinder but we say no to ourselves a lot to keep things simple. The nature of iMessage apps provided a nice opportunity to create one of these non-core experiences we've always wanted to do without complicating the current experience everybody already knows. We've got some bugs to squash and some adjustments to make from feedback but we're pretty excited to see what users do with the app. We already have a few directions we'd like to take the app which I'm really excited to bring to fruition.
@badeen reminds me of Wishbone, Swell. Why not stay true to your core concept while experimenting with this new concept on iMessage? Say, letting your friends in an iMessage chat swipe for dates for you, where at the end, you get a "friend's recommendation list" of the top most right-swiped people for you to choose from. It could all be done in iMessage, socializes the beloved Tinder experience, and stays true to your brand.
@n_jessop you could be right. Who knows, though. If they're willing to deviate completely from their core product to enter a new space, maybe they've already experimented with something similar.
I saw this when I was browsing my iMessage app store earlier!!
This is Tinder tackling social polling. It's included with the full Tinder app (so don't get caught out by your partners!)
It's a way to get feedback from a group of friends on anything! I know others in this space, like Swelly, have done extremely well with their Facebook Messenger bot
Product Hunt
Tinder 4.0
Stretch From Home
Tinder 4.0
Tinder 4.0
Summer Bod 2020