@thatguybg I'd love to hear more about this too. Like, what motivated this decision? Who was asking for it? Is it to enable people to share weblinks to profiles to setup their friends, etc? Or that in 2015, you still need a web component of your mobile app?
@thatguybg It's meant to do a lot of things really and it's a relatively easy thing to make. I always viewed (probably because I read it somewhere) part of Instagram's success was its web presence for individual photos. It used to be much simpler than it now is. Basically it provides people some sort of actionable content to share. Before you could tweet "I just joined Tinder" but now you can direct people directly to you.
There are other less marketing-oriented reasons though. Sharing outside of Tinder can lead to more matches due to increased exposure. You could even give it to your Mom or friend and let them try to play matchmaker for you.
In the end we see it as a direct benefit to us for helping users spread the word about Tinder while bringing direct benefit to the user in potentially increasing exposure and matches.
@thatguybg Sorry, to be more specific about how it functions... your web profile has a button that deep links into Tinder and allows people to swipe on your profile without having to find them or have matching settings. You won't see the people who swiped you right outside of your settings though. So if you're sitting in SF and somebody in Paris likes you because they used your web profile, you won't see them. However, when you take a trip to Paris they'll show up for you and you'll match if you like them back.
@badeen@thatguybg totally agree with you on the utility of being able to share profiles directly with potential matches - especially the (jewish) Mom example haha. But outside of that I'm wondering how dating profiles (which have certain social stigmas and implications) will differ from general photosharing (like instagram) in terms of people's willingness to share their links with the world. I can't imagine someone posting a "hey everyone, I'm single now, here's my Tinder profile" status to Facebook the same way they'd post a Halloween picture from Instagram. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
What kinds of algorithm changes are you guys rolling out to balance with these growth objectives from Web profiles? Growth and quality of matches seem to be at odds in this space without some hardcore machine learning going on.
I was also wondering why you guys removed Moments. It seemed like a pretty fun feature, though I could see it being abused.
btw: I've clicked on a few tinder web profiles on web and mobile and was redirected to the web and the app store respectively - never made it to the tinder app to actually do the liking.
@thatguybg Well that's not cool if they're taking you to the store instead of the app. Were they in Safari, Chrome or some sort of web view in another app?
I absolutely agree that a Tinder profile is a different thing than an Instagram photo. We won't measure the success of this based on the same criteria. It's there if you want it and you're comfortable with it but nobody has to be part of it. So far we've seen some encouraging adoption though. I don't think quality of matches is too much at odds with growth. As long we remain intelligent and continue to improve our intelligence we can prioritize the people that a user sees. If somebody is publishing their URL in very public places then they are personally prioritizing the desire for more matches with less discretion as to quality. In that case I believe quantity is directly related to their perceived quality of the product. Not sure if that makes sense.
I can't go into detail about our algorithm changes but we're considering some of the same data points we did before along with some new ones based upon both attributes of a person and their profile along with user behavior. We've been examining the effectiveness of blends with varied emphasis on those points. Our goal is to maximize the number of matches that are created in the community. Beyond that though we are attempting to create better quality matches. We'll be working on it forever but we've made significant improvements as of late.
@badeen@shahab_21 time to get a text-to-download form. ;) http://linktexting.com If you put it on those profile pages, you can drive downloads up. esp. w/ smart links.
The general sentiment I've seen with my circle is that people are bored of Tinder, or they hesitate to go on it because it's still widely used for boning down and not really meeting anyone for anything consistent - I wonder if their engagement & activity has dropped off substantially - or if it's more of a "use it however you want to" deal.
Tech Twitter 2020 Yearbook
Tinder 4.0
Tinder 4.0
Tech Twitter 2020 Yearbook
Tinder 4.0
Tinder 4.0
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Tinder 4.0