Chris Messina

Tinder Reactions - The Menprovement Initiative is now underway

Top Hunter

Tinder Reactions are designed to give users a selection of responses that can be used at any stage of conversation, and suitable for a wide spectrum of behavior—from a gentle nudge (say “ball’s in your court!”) to a warning (send an eyeroll) to a bold gesture (throw a drink in their face).

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Jordan Krueger
As usual, the men's reactions showing just how necessary something like this is.
@jordankrueger You're kidding right?
Rajat Saxena

So only men can be douche?




I seriously don't like this.

Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Check out @badeen in this starring role:
Matt Klein
Marketing take: "Yes! Great way to show the girls you're looking out for them." Product take: "Ok. Fine. More expressive communication." Ethics take: "Really?! This is where we've come..."
Aaron Lamb

Try not to take such a sexist approach & market from both sides rather than attacking men


Great idea copying facebook!!!!


Narcissistic assuming only men can be bad, LOTS of shitty women on tinder., but also not a surprising perspective *laughing/crying reaction*

Steven Rueter
Is this real?
Meghan Gardler

If you are a single woman in this century, you have probably tried a social dating site like Tinder. And more than likely, you been hit by a douchey person who tries to just get in your pants before actually having a conversation. This is an awesome way to emote in an online environment when words do not serve you. Shocking that most of the opposition to this feature comes from men (eye roll).


This is hilarious is anyone who says it isn't is probably one of the douches they are targeting



Christopher Leach
So why is it only marketed negatively toward men? I've met douchey girls on tinder too. It's literally called "The Menprovement Initiative" Not the "stop douche initiative." Also I don't know why this has to be a feature marketed this way, it's facebook reactions.
Avedov Gogpon
Sam Ayres
I think more than anything this is an overcompensation for poor user moderation where people that are 'douchey' aren't removed from using the service. In my opinion it just screams laziness on Tinder's behalf. If they had stricter rules and guidelines and punished inappropriate behaviour better, this feature wouldn't be necessary.
Ryan Mark
@sam_ayres Absolutely. Definitely some creepy dudes on Tinder, but how is that not solved by user submitted reporting mixed with moderation? Definitely laziness on Tinder's part by creating a marketing campaign which only superficially addresses the symptoms.
Greg Lexiphanic
@ryanwmark Use of reactions would provide data to Tinder about who is receiving them and maybe they can act on that with moderation? It’s a start at least to more diverse feedback options for Tinder to work with.
Tom Kinniburgh
One woman's douche is another woman's prince charming. 👑 (still won't solve the ghosting issue)
Piérre Reimertz
This is just going to blow up thanks to butthurt men who doesn't get the bigger picture and can't grasp the reasoning behind this. But as someone wrote, there is "LOTS of shitty women on Tinder" so I guess this is all just unfair and sexist towards us men who have been rowing upstreams for centuries now. We gotta fight back before feminists rule us all! 😂
Christopher Leach
You could just tell them you're being a douche, this seems narrative-ish and also paywalla are dumb. Moving to a different dating app Tinder lost one with this update
Jani keyc
Maybe we need something like this one to solve the problem of "women hypocrisy".Because we all know that women like douchbags.