Ben Tossell

Tinder Online - New web version of the dating app


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Ben Tossell
Coverage by TechCrunch: Tinder Online is a new web version of the dating app I'd be interested to see what the adoption of online usage vs app usage will be....(not forgetting their Apple TV offering too). Apparently this is more for the users in emerging markets who dont have enough storage on their phones for the app or a big-enough data plan. Although they still mention "Introducing Tinder Online: a fun, new web experience and your English professor’s worst nightmare. Mobile phones not allowed in class? Just fire up your laptop and swipe incognito. Cubicle life got you down? Now you can toggle between spreadsheets and Super Likes in a flash. β€œNot Enough Storage?” Not a problem. Don’t let life get in the way of your Tinder game." Boost & SuperLike are not available on the web version yet. Not as satisfying with swipes though.... I like the product demo 😬
Can Comertoglu
@bentossell Perhaps the best video I've seen on a launch. Just tells you how recognizable "swipe right" is. I lead the web product for our team - and one of the things about web is that it remains the most ubiquitous end point, and for cases where you want to "share" the physical space you're in, it remains the best form factor (apple tv is a good 2nd place :)). So I get it - but I don't expect it to ever pass ~10% of usage for all of tinder (the swipe metaphor is just too good!)
Alec Garcia
LIT πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯! This gives me some motivation to work on v2 of Tinderface πŸ˜€ (
Sean Murphy
haha love the video ad.
Abhilash Jain
classic product video.
Allan Yarmulnik
Upvote just for the video! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Jevin Sew
When I saw this I thought "I wonder how they intend to implement swiping on desktop", then I realized you can click using your mouse. 😞
Alessandro Schiassi
I'm so happy scammers can do their job more easily now!
Sunny Murthy
Interesting video ad. Currently a college student, still think my age group will continue to use the mobile version more (maybe majority will exclusively use mobile version?), but the computer based opens it up to more age groups. Looking forward to trying this out.
Great example of bringing the the best of Native Apps over to the mWeb! Looking forward to seeing it rollout to more countries!
Ranjit Ghoshal
the scammiest and no.1 fake profile dating site just made it easier to scam/be scam - I am going out and buying me the ridiculously priced likes now!!!
Product Pearson
That video ad is something different man.
Zach Ehrlich
Whoever didn't call this "Fireplace" is missing an opportunity.
Ohhh the video is so qute! And the app is also fine