Hiten Shah

Timing 2 - Automatic time and productivity tracking for Mac.

Timing is an automatic time tracking app for Mac. Instead of making you do the work by starting/stopping Timers, Timing automatically tracks how much time you spend in each app, website and document. That way, you can later see exactly how productive you were and use the tracked time to bill clients.

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Daniel Alm
Thanks for the hunt, Hiten! Daniel, developer of Timing 2, here. I have created Timing because I felt that time tracking is still much harder than it should be. Your Mac already knows what you are working on anyway, so why not leverage that? Timing takes this approach as far as it gets. Not only does it automatically track your activities, but it even automatically groups activities that belong together and suggests times when you worked on a particular thing. Essentially, Timing tries to automate everything about time tracking that can be automated 🙂 Looking forward to your thoughts!
Hiten Shah
I love these apps that help you figure out where you time goes! This one has some neat features that really make your life easier. It has a bunch of automation built-in that categorizes where your time went, automatically. It also recognizes blocks of time and makes suggestions on how they fit together into a larger task. There's also a neat little feature that asks you what you did when you return to your computer. This time tracking app has a bunch of little features that add up to a pretty useful tool, especially for freelancers who charge based on an hourly rate.
Christian Tietze
I had the opportunity to test Timing 2 before release -- and I have to say that I was shocked how much time I really spent in front of my Mac. In other words, Timing 2 crushed my optimistic assumptions and pointed out how productive I really am. That hurt a little, but now I feel better, thank you. Timing 2 tracks activity 100% reliably and I found reviewing my weeks to be fun whenever unexpected activities turned up that I totally forgot about (read: suppress). I think it's a great fit for anyone who does client work to automate project progress tracking and thus improve billing.
Newton Mota
Thanks, Daniel Alm // @daniel_a_a, for the opportunity to know Timing 2 during the beta before its reIease. I've been using Rescue Time and other solutions, but I have to say "Timing 2 brings the game to another level". Timing 2 is an app very visual, intuitive, reliable and wisely crafted. From the simple tracking to get knowing better your workflow and serious business billing your work hours, you will enjoy the application. It simply crushes our expectations when we learn how to get along with it. Thanks again, Daniel, for sending emails teaching the tricks and tweaks. Looking forward to seeing its progress and upcoming integrations and sync.
Andrew Mutavdzija
I've used Timing for at least a year, used the beta of Timing 2, and am happy to continue on with version 2. Absolutely the best time tracker out there. I've tried many if not most or all, and none compare!
Alex Ledak
@andym_dc Have you tried https://www.producthunt.com/post... ? I've bought Timing 1 in the AppStore and used Timing 2 beta. Qbserve works better for me.
Csaba Kissi
Very nice application. Great UI/UX!
Greg Gilbert
Timing was the first automatic tracking time I used. I really loved it, but the interface was starting to be a bit old and I switched to Qbserve. Happy to see a new version of Timing! Only negative point: the pricing. Why going with a 3 tiers model? It adds unnecessary complexity to the purchase process.
Daniel Alm
@gregoiregilbert Hi Greg! This lets me offer the right version to every customer, at the right price point. So far there is no version being bought much more (or less) than the others, which indicates to me that all three versions have appeal.
I use this app every day! Reporting my time was such a pain for me, now I can be more precise and even remember what I have done 2 weeks ago. Little settings need to be done, but after that, all your projects are tracked automatically.
Richard Burton
Timing is one of those indispensable apps that I use all the time. It really helps me to figure out how I am spending my time. I like the fact that the data is stored locally, too.
Matthew Worner
Am a fan, gave it a whirl and now I use it regularly to see where am working and when not! It's become one of my productivity apps that I rely on daily
Heidi Helen Pilypas
OMG! I love @TimingApp. I've been using it since April last year. I am looking forward so much to trying the new version. Just got to figure out how to upgrade.
Heidi Helen Pilypas
@daniel_a_a Thank you. I was trying to use the chat feature on your website to find out but it got stuck on sending.
Heidi Helen Pilypas
@daniel_a_a P.S. Will it save over Timing 1 or be separate? I don't have the money to buy it now but I will when I can.
Daniel Alm
@heidi_helen you can keep both running at once - see https://timingapp.com/whats-new#faq :-)
Max Ott
I've been new to Timing and started using it in beta. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of time tracking and I don't have to bill clients, so I was quite skeptical what the value of such an app would be. So far it has given me an amazing visual overview of my workdays and patterns. It showed me when I'm most productive (and when not). I don't have to turn anything on, so I'm not missing any data. Lovin it so far and looking forward to integrations and sync 😇
Geoffrey Wiseman
I use timing in combination with toggl right now -- it hasn't become my primary time tracker, but it's still very useful to help when I fail to turn timers on (all the time). I'm a consultant, so time tracking is important to me. Timing 1 was already useful, but Timing 2 is vastly better in all the ways I care about. Definitely worth checking out. I recommend it. ;) As soon as I get back from lunch, I'm buying the upgrade. EDIT: Purchased.
Humberto Valle
great hunt @hnshah !
Jan Piotrowski
This looks so awesome. Problem: I'm on Windows and ChromeOS only. Are you planning on expanding to these platforms? If not, do you know someone who is working on similar software for these platforms?
Daniel Alm
@sujan Hi Jan! At the moment a Windows version is out of scope, but maybe later ;-) For Windows, you could use http://www.manictime.com and I'm sure there are Chrome tracking extensions as well.
Rodrigo Hillion
Hey lads! this is an app with super powers and lots of potential. I tested it for some days. What I felt was that it couldn't really achieve in me what I understood it was suppose to do. The app tracks everything, that's why is powerful, but I couldn't forget about the pain of logging time. I saw the app is tracking all of it for me, what I open, what files I was modifying and more, but is too messy to understand at first, is overwhelming, and it cause this sensation of "I really need to learn more stuff to track/read my time?". I noticed there is a course you offer in order to put the user in context, but I really didn't want to do it. Call me lazy, but I guess there is a lot (A LOT really) of other users just like me, that prefer to keep logging time the way they are already doing it instead of the possible pain and disappointment of learning and not getting what I was expecting. The main reason I downloaded it, is because what the app stands for: is painful to turn on and off the clock. I completely agree with that, logging time should be something automatic after little configuration. The app has potential because of it capacity of logging all of it. An ideal situation for me would be, if the user can setup a project (two or three steps) like, 1. project name, 2. URL (localhost or remote) where I am testing (could be Chrome, Firefox, Safari or... you know the one with E) and 3. softwares (IDE, Sketch, etc) I am using, with corresponding paths to related files with that project. So after that, if I touch a file in Webstorm inside that particular folder, if I refresh or navigate in chrome on that particular URL and if I open that Sketch file inside that particular folder, then, all of it should be tracked under MY-AWESOME-PROJECT-NAME. If Timing is already doing that, then the only thing left would be to simplify the onboarding process to something that will catch my attention from minute one to ten, the attention after realising: "Every time I touch this file it logs my time under this project!!". Just enough information to keep moving with what I need to do, instead of asking me to put names here, there, clicking here there and paying too much attention. So don't take me bad, my idea here is to give some insight on what I felt, after all, we are here to give our opinions =). Hoping to help you guys. Thanks!!
Daniel Alm
@rohillion hi Rodrigo! Thanks for the feedback. However, I felt making the onboarding even longer wouldn't be good either. Also - the onboarding essentially tells you how to do just this: drag the keyword (or domain) you need onto your project. Done. (And to create a rule, you option-drag.)
Matthew Brennan
The UI looks stunning!
Andrey Atapin
My favourite time tracking application. If you can measure a thing, you know how to optimize the thing. Thanks Timing2 for raising my productivity up.
@daniel_a_a Hello Daniel! Do you have any updates on a Windows version? This app is too good to be mac only, ManicTime is not even close to Timing :(