Mathias Mikkelsen

Timely for Apple Watch - Scheduling and time tracking, right on your wrist

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Mathias Mikkelsen
It's been a ton of fun to design for the Apple Watch, and at the same weird to make something for a product you can't actually test. We just couldn't wait though, because we think the watch and Timely is a match made in heaven. It's just so god damn natural to manage your time on your wrist! :) Anyhow, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Abdel Ibrahim
@matmik Here's a nice animation on WatchAware if you ever want to embed
Mathias Mikkelsen
@abdophoto oh, cool! I'll make sure to check that out!
Ed Moyse
Don't yet have an Apple Watch, but this will be the first download when I do :) Love Timely on web and iPhone!
Mathias Mikkelsen
@edmoyse thanks for being a customer, Ed! We'd love to hear what you think when you get to try it out! :)
Louise Croft
Looks beautiful! Great design - well done guys.
Guillermo Díaz S.
Kudos for the interface. I loved it.
Andreas Kambanis
Nice - downloading now and will test on my Watch!
Mathias Mikkelsen
@andreaskam let me know how it goes! Available on as well.
Andreas Kambanis
@matmik will do! Made this a default page upon loading chrome - should help me see where my time goes. Will feedback re: watch app.
Mathias Mikkelsen
@paupertoprinces thank you – very much appreciated!