Alex. Delivet

TimelinesAI for WhatsApp - Easily organize & share your business messages from WhatsApp


TimelinesAI helps you to quickly learn and share the status of communication with your clients:
🔗Share messages from Whatsapp and email
🔁 Keep the whole team in the loop
🔔 Set comments and reminders
Increase your awareness and relations with long-term clients!

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Ishay Tentser
Hi ProductHunt! Thanks @alexd for hunting TimelinesAI! As a business owner, I spend a lot of time every day to stay updated about the status of communication with my clients. The thing is, the more your company grows with managers and clients, the more time and effort it takes to stay in the loop. Being cc’d to everything creates too much noise, and if your clients use Whatsapp or other messengers it’s almost impossible to stay in control. In the times of outbreak, it is especially important to have effective communication and maintain good relations with your clients. Timelines enables your team to easily review, organize and share most important messages from email, Whatsapp and other channels. We used this app in our own company for almost a year. It helped us to increase awareness, collaborate on work with our clients better and retain more clients as a result. 👀 I decided to launch it to learn if it may bring you the same benefits as well! What other tools we should support and what we should add for the app to be worth your money? I’m ready to give away up to 6 month of free use for your whole team in exchange for your feedback! Try it and let me know what you think!
Kyrylo Taranenko
Hi people! Excited to be here today! As a customer success manager at TimelinesAI, I'm really curious: how you use Whatsapp in your work? Let me know! It will help us to steer the development in the right direction!
Haggai Lanker
Congrats @itentser! Sharing messages with links seems useful! Am I safe using it in context of Whatsapp Terms of Service? I would appreciate your answer as it looks relevant for my team!
Kyrylo Taranenko
@haggai_lanker1 Thanks for the question, it's a good one actually. The short answer yes it is safe to use the app. And it doesn’t violate Whatsapp's terms of service. We use the official Whatsapp client for Web. We only extract the information that is visible to the user, approved by them, and make it shareable and ready for collaboration. All of these steps are in complete control of the user. We also don’t use any API, so it’s 100% aligned with Terms of Service. I'll be glad to answer any other questions that you or other people may have about it!
Kyrylo Taranenko
What other tools besides email and Whatsapp you use for business communication in your team?
Kyrylo Taranenko
@aojedal Wow, didn't see that coming! Prize for unexpected! I wonder what other such tools people might suggest? 🤔
Alex. Delivet
TimelinesAI is a very helpful tool if you have a team of managers who lead your clients individually. It enables your whole team to easily review and share the most important info from their messaging with clients. Please try the app and share your thoughts!
Rennen Chacham
Very helpful for those who communicate with clients over whatsapp
Ishay Tentser
@rennen_chacham thanks! How do you use Whatsapp in your work?
Arunaday Basu
Fantastic product. Had been waiting for this for some time. Organizing communication is a deal and TimelinesAI solves it just right. Looking forward to more integrations. WhatsApp integration is a clear winner!
Kyrylo Taranenko
@aru_basu Thanks a lot, I'm glad to hear it! What other tools you use in your team? What integrations would you love to see in the near time?
Gil Bar
So it works with my Whatsapp Web, right? Why did you choose it over the desktop app or Whatsapp for business? @itentser
Kyrylo Taranenko
@itentser @gil_bar this way it is 100% aligned with Whatsapp Terms of Service. It also enables you with A LOT of things you may do with your chats & messages. You may backup your messages, combine them with email, share with your team or clients with the link, exchange comments, set tasks and reminders... and we're only getting started!
Sveta Golod Tentser
Hi @itentser! Congrats with the launch! I wonder, would TimelinesAI be useful for me if I already have a CRM in place? How exactly?
Ishay Tentser
@sveta_golod_tentser Great question! TimelinesAI is lightweight, which means it is ready to use out of the box. There is no complicated setup or learning curve. But its main value is that the app enables your managers to transfer information about relations with your clients from person to person and even cross-team without loss. Say, your sales closed a lead. Typically, when the contract is signed and the deal is closed, it is a dead end in CRM. But such clients or customers are also the most valuable resource in your company, so the history of communication with them should be maintained further and be accessible on a company-wide level. TimelinesAI fills this gap and enables your managers for deeper understanding of the clients, their cases and history of relations. It makes the conversations with your clients more efficient. Timelines are also easy to integrate with any CRM as you may just insert the link to a Timeline into a client card. What I personally love about the app (as I am using it myself) is that it enables me to go through all the updates about the communication with our clients in ~15 minutes in the morning. It makes my day much more organized and productive!
Sivan Rodrig Gassko
Hey @itentser! I would appreciate your advice on how to get started with the app. What teams does it fit best?
Ishay Tentser
@sivan_rodrig_gassko the best way to start is to create a Timeline, import some messages from Whatsapp or email and share them with your team. This article should help: Or invite your manager to do it for you! You will see how easy it is to oversee the whole communication with clients in your company. I actually made it into a habit, and spend about ~15 minutes in the morning to stay updated. It helps me to understand my clients better and maintain good relations with them. My long-term clients really appreciate it!
Igor Gassko
@sivan_rodrig_gassko TimelinesAI work best for teams that interact a lot with clients through different channels over long period of time, and you want to keep all this knowledge in the same place, shareable and available for all team members. One possible scenario is an agency when several Customer or Project managers work on a number of accounts and report to the top management. Another scenario is a team of Sales representatives talking through mails and whatsapp to their clients. This way, a deal can be seamlessly transferred from one representative to another: the context of communication is preserved. And of course, Timelines can be used by individual freelancers, that want to organize their communication with their clients, see all messages and documents exchanges in once place, easily share back important information, etc. For all the above cases, traditional CRMs don’t work very well, because of the overhead they introduce and poor support for organising communication. Which one of the scenarios best describes your use case? This would affect the setup: for sales, I’d recommend having a timeline per deal. for projects or consulting, it really depends: you might want a timeline per client or per project, depending on whether you are talking to the same person on multiple projects at the same time. Hope this helps!
Congrats on launching!
Ishay Tentser
Thanks for publishing my article about switching to remote mode #Corona
Ishay Tentser
Looking for a tools for remote team work during the Corona period? We are here to help!
Igor Gassko
@itentser yes, as a chief customer manager at Initech, Timelines really saves my day: without it it would be so much harder to be in the loop regarding all the communication that goes between our PMs and clients.
Vova T
Any plans for Android/iOS apps?
Ishay Tentser
@vovat Thanks for the question! As users of Timelines, we would love to see it as well, but there is no mobile apps planned in the near future. We only use solutions that don’t expose you to the risk of violating the Whatsapp Terms of Service, so this solely depends on Whatsapp and if they will extend the access to their API. The security and safety of our users is in core of how we develop TimelinesAI!
yasha golod
Wow, now I actually may share messages from my Whatsapp instead of writing summaries! Thanks @itentser! Good luck with the launch!
Kyrylo Taranenko
@itentser @yasha_golod yeah, actually as a customer success manager I like this option a lot as well! Helps with sharing the emails too!
Jim Tomberlin
I have to say it is a very handy product. I use it for tracking communications, special requests, notes, or whatever from my clients. I totally recommend it. I can't wait till they integrate text messages into it as well.. Jim
Kyrylo Taranenko
@jim_tomberlin thanks a lot! Glad to see your review here! By text messages, you mean sms or something else? What other tools would you like to see implemented?
Daniil Prodanov
I see you support email as well. My team uses Slack. Do you plan to support other tools as well?
Kyrylo Taranenko
@daniil_prodanov Sure! Slack is currently rocking our poll here, in this post. If you like the idea but don't use Whatsapp, feel free to submit the request on our roadmap: We consider every submission we get!
Igor Gassko
@daniil_prodanov we already test-drive slack integration internally, but we are still making changes and figuring out best UX before we release it to the public.
Ishay Tentser
Emails vs Whatsapp ? Enjoy both worlds with TimelinesAI !
eliran sheraz
Look like a great app I'll surely going to try it soon! We'll done Ishay!
Ishay Tentser
@eliran_sheraz Thanks Eliran! Here some useful blog post about getting started with TimelinesAI We are always here to help!
Ishay Tentser
Have you considered TimelinesAI as your team centralized Whatsapp backup?
Jake Tital
This looks like a perfect fit with my business conversations on whatsapp. Thanks for creating this ?makers
Ishay Tentser
@jaketital thanks Jake, looking forward to see you among our users.