Non-intrusive in-chat time-tracker
Stas Kulesh
Time — Non-intrusive in-chat time-tracker
Time bot simply tracks time on Slack channels.
Stas Kulesh
Karmabot team (http://producthunt.com/posts/kar...) built a non-intrusive time tracking on Slack for startups: https://timebot.chat With Time bot a team can record tasks directly in Slack channels. Originally, it was a part of Karma bot, but that one recently pivoted towards rewards and engagement. Tracking tasks and time seemed like an excessive feature, not many Karma users benefited from it. Naturally, we decided we should simplify and give time-tracking module a chance. How Time bot works: - Let's say, you started a day in #marketing channel writing a post for a FB community, just type this on the channel `/t post on Product Hunt` and the bot will quietly make a note of that (timestamp, channel, description). - Then you decided to work on the logo update: jump onto #design and type `/t logo update`. - Wanna see, who's online? Type: `/t online` - On your phone and unavailable atm? Try `/t call` – and Time bot will note down the task and (optionally) set your status to ☎️, so everyone else​ can see that you're sorta busy. Your personal Time bot notes are visible to you and team moderators (roles can be assigned independently from Slack privileges). A team can choose to have a public up-to-date real-time dashboard that indicates who's doing what. In bigger teams, managers can generate reports and bill clients based on the time records. To mark the launch, here is a 33% OFF discount EXPIRED (42/100 available), enjoy!
Piotr Gaczkowski
Hi @stas_kulesh ! Is it only limited to Slack or are you planning to bring it to other platforms as well?
Stas Kulesh
@doomhammer Only on Slack for now, thanks for asking. Time-tracking is a huuuge industry, we're focusing on https://karmabot.chat for now.
Stas Kulesh
@doomhammer Thanks, I really appreciate that.