Snoop Dogg

Here_Comes_The_King Tee - Crowdsourced a tee w/ my Reddit fam to raise awareness [10}!

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Snoop Dogg
Continuing to innovate with my homies from Tilt! This time I'm using it to raise awareness n funds for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), which is supported by the reddit r/trees community!! Im takin this crowdsource shit by storm. Uhearme.
Snoop Dogg
@dshan I hope that this agenda spreads fast but I know that until California gets its act together and gets it on the ballot its not gonna happen. Once Cali goes the rest will be easy.
Derek Shanahan
Real talk, bc I have this conversation a lot. @snoopdogg what do you think is the realistic timeline on some kind of legalization across the majority/all contiguous states in the US? I'm optimistic because of the political upsides (muni revenue in particular) but have plenty of SF friends who're skeptical. Thoughts? PS. Still think we should launch that early stage mary jane startups investment fund.