Thank you to the team at Product Hunt; @rrhoover@nivo0o0@corleyh@erictwillis@jakecrump@melissajoykong@andreasklinger@mikecountermarsh and @bentossell for giving us the opportunity to access feedback and exposure within the PH community @eriktorenberg@nikkielizdemere!
So what exactly is TicTalking, and why do I want to use this thing?
First off, TicTalking is a mobile app - Connecting Interesting People Everywhere. Discover through the Geo Globe UI - find people, conversations and communities that match your interests.
Our automatic real-time translation feature allows users to surpass dialectic and geographic barriers to make connections and hold elevated conversations with likeminded people from around the globe.
The app is tailored for you based on what you love. Download, choose your interests, start talking with global like-minds. TicTalking features interactive conversation bubbles connecting users on their passions and opinions – building more meaningful conversations. Explore the world through your interests and rally around your passions through the many communities within the app, and if one isn’t there already you have the power to create your own. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to help change the world or share how your last 5km run went – there’s a community and/or conversation waiting for you.
We are placing a high level of prominence on the ProductHunt community to provide us with genuine candid thoughts and opinions in hopes of accelerating our game-like platform.
We are in public beta testing and are keen to welcoming feedback, anything that will retain our audience and make TicTalking more of a user friendly experience!
@julianguderley a little FYI - Eric Willis and Nichole do not work at Product Hunt ;) (we love them nonetheless!)
The automatic translation is interesting... what do you use for the translations? We are probably all aware of mistakes even Google Translate can make - especially for languages such as Chinese where the structure and grammar are very different.
Are you planning on having community curators who manage each separate community?
I have thought about why Twitter doesnt have something similar around interests but if someone looked at my feed they would easily tell my interests were tech and business - without the 'category' distinction.
Hey @bentossell thanks for the clarification, Eric and Nichole just get the pleasure of the TicTalking push notification to jump in the conversation!
In regards to translation, we are using an integrated Microsoft translate program for 35 languages and counting... These slip ups do happen, this is just the nature of linguistics - we haven't found it to be an issue at our current phase. We do however, have a pretty funny community in the app called "Lost in Translation" where users can post their translation errors. (A really funny one in there by @julianguderley)
Currently any user has the power to create their own community. Anyone subscribed to a community has the ability to post conversations within, leave replies, and like conversations - activity is not limited to the initiators.
Luckily we're here to facilitate that gap, people have several interests and should be able to curate their feed and "see the world through their passions!"
@bentossell thank you! - yes community curators are part of the set up at TicTalking. Curators can be either part of TicTalking or active ambassador users with expertise in their topic based community. The automatic translation is, so far, mostly used by users overseas who are ESL(s) just like myself. The tool becomes infinitely useful when talking to a person who shares the same second language as you yet feels more confident in their own native tongue.
Hi there, I’m from Germany and love how this app works for language translation. I’m already looking forward to meeting interesting people around the globe!
Hey! I’m a programmer working on the TicTalking App. If you have any questions, come find me inside the App and send me a message. My username is @hrmr (be sure to include the @ symbol when you search).
I love how TicTalking makes it easy to connect with people who share my interests....and I especially love that we don't even have to share the same mother tongue! I'm talking to a gal in Asia about abstract art and the real-time language translation is so fun. It makes the world feel small... in the best way possible :) highly recommend this app!
I'm really excited on what this brings to the table. Creating a network of individuals by sharing content and interests. I really like the translating and the people on the app. The tailoring your interests is a must have feature, which others do not have. Love there is something for everyone in this app.