I'm particularly interested to see how the Shop portion of @ariannahuff's new platform does. The marriage of editorial + brand + commerce can be very powerful. Oprah's book club and favorite things (aka products) is an early example that illustrates the power of this well.
Excited for a new voice & curation around how we as human beings can live, work and THRIVE! Like chicken soup for the mind body & soul... and I love chicken soup.
Was fortunate to visit (the awesome) Callie Schweitzer at Thrive Global's NY office a few months ago. Witnessed the team hard at work preparing for this ambitious launch. (Diverse & multi-faceted platform: media, e-commerce store, training, philanthropy. NY-ers: There's also physical pop up store that opens tomorrow through early next year)
Look for clues about Thrive Global in Arianna Huffington's Product Hunt LIVE chat 6 months ago here: https://www.producthunt.com/live...
Product Hunt
Thrive Global
Venice Co-Manager
Thrive Global
Thrive Global