Been watching Threads for a long time — incredibly solid team and beautiful product design. Love the emphasis on asynchronous, catch-up-anytime decision support software. Definitely fits a sweet spot between infinitely threaded emails and infinitely overwhelming Slack messages! Love!
Been a user through Threads "stealth" mode and this tool has helped us scale from 6 to 42 employees effortlessly in the last year. Truly one of those "how would we work without this?" tools. Our communication platforms are only 1. Threads 2. Asana 3. Slack. No email, rarely any meetings. Love this product.
We have 80% less meetings. Decisions are made faster. Discussions are more intelligent. Context is stored for staff training.
We are using it so much we are starting to hit a bit of a wall on organization of Threads.
We’ve been using Threads at Bitwise for over half a year now. It’s delivered on its promise and, in fact, has become an indespensible part of our culture.
Helps us make better decisions and be a more inclusive organization while reducing meetings.
Love Threads!
Previously, if we wanted to be inclusive we had to give up efficiency (bigger meeting, longer, etc). With Threads we have no meeting. The async format and UI allow everyone to convene and chime in / respond without the time drain of a meeting! As a result, we’ve found we have a far fewer meetings but far more input and transparency on things. It’s a great tool and competes more with meetings than it does with Slack or Email.
I wouldn’t surprised if in the future a company not using a Threads is an concern for prospective employees.
Hey Everyone 👋🏽
My name is Rousseau and I support the team at Threads.
Threads is a platform designed to make work more inclusive by empowering teams to discuss and make decisions at scale.
Problem: As a team grows, you start to see it happen. People get left off meeting invites, group chats happen in private with fewer people than before, and even email becomes siloed. You start to hear about critical decisions through the grapevine, things at work feel like they’re coming out of left field, and even if you have a strong opinion, it’s often too late since the ball is already rolling.
Tools today make us choose between inclusion and efficiency. Due to this, morale is impacted and the quality of work suffers.
Threads was inspired by looking at how online communities have large, efficient discussions. We looked at forum-like products, stripped them down, and rebuilt/designed them with teams and work in mind.
Core Flow: The core flow is fairly straightforward and what you expect from an online discussion tool. You create an organization for your company, start spaces for any team/project/topic, and start a new thread in a space for new updates or discussions. When you create a thread, people can comment, others can reply to comments, and you can like any of the contributions to show support. You’ll only get notified for new contributions on Threads that you’re subscribed to (i.e. if you’ve authored it, commented on it, etc). With Threads, you can't be late to a discussion, you won't people, and there's no more need for meeting notes since the discussion becomes documented and is easily searchable!
Excited to answer any questions you might have about the product! Thanks for your support.
@rousseaukazi Hi. Found this as I was about to post Threads on PH and noticed it was already posted. Went under the radar undeservedly IMO. :)
I found you guys by doing research on what products offered a solution for distributed asynchronous "meetings" (I like that you got rid of that word with "threads") and your product seemed like the one that boiled the concept down to its core the most and offered the best design.
I'm very curious about where you see this going: do you want to focus on developing the decision making aspect (maybe by implementing other mechanisms for decision making in the app more formally)? do you want to expand to all sorts of other situations where meetings are often called for arguably bad reasons (e.g. request for information)? as you seem to present the product more with the goal of inclusion, are you more interested in bringing to it aspects of relationship building you would find in things like 1:1 meetings?
I'm just very curious about that space and would love to hear more from you about your vision and maybe the distributed teams ecosystem that is developing.
P.S. Would love to try the app if that's possible. :)
Hey @faisalalkhalidi! Thanks for taking the time to write us a review. I wanted to let you know that we do in fact have a mobile app! You can learn more by visiting our Mobile page on our site:
Been a user through Threads "stealth" mode and this tool has helped us scale from 6 to 42 employees effortlessly in the last year. Truly one of those "how would we work without this?" tools. Our communication platforms are only 1. Threads 2. Asana 3. Slack. No email, rarely any meetings. Love this product.
Pros:We have 80% less meetings. Decisions are made faster. Discussions are more intelligent. Context is stored for staff training.
Cons:We are using it so much we are starting to hit a bit of a wall on organization of Threads.
We’ve been using Threads at Bitwise for over half a year now. It’s delivered on its promise and, in fact, has become an indespensible part of our culture.
Pros:Helps us make better decisions and be a more inclusive organization while reducing meetings.
Cons:Nothing comes to mind
The Landing Page Cookbook
Fills an important niche in team discussion
Pros:Keeps everybody on the same page. Enables shared context, open discussion and asynchronous decision making.
Cons:Better Latex support
Highly recommend to teams
Pros:We use threads everyday at Perfect Keto and it's an incredible tool to keep a running knowledge base!
Cons:Only available on web, can't wait for a mobile app!