Community Stack by Threado - Discover what tools the world’s best communities run on


Finding the right tools for your community is complicated. We made this FREE community tool recommendation app so you can discover the best tools used by the world’s top communities. Get custom recommendations based on your community type, size, & budget.

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Excited to bring this new offering by Threado team to the larger PH community. I'm always on the hunt for the latest community tools and if you're like me you're going to love Community Stack. It helps you find out what tools you could use to be more productive and save time in your day. Check it out and drop a question/comment for the team to answer below ⬇️
Pramod Rao
@thisiskp_ thank you so much KP for hunting us!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@sap_devi Thanks Sapna :)
Shalini Nair Tekwani
A big shoutout to @thisiskp_ for hunting us! 👋 Hello Product Hunters, I’m Shalini. I head Growth at Threado, the command centre for your online community. I invested my last couple of years in speaking with almost 150+ community builders to learn more about how they run their communities and the challenges they face along the way! I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to learn hands-on about a lot of tools they recommended and to be part of a bunch of top global communities like Demand Curve, 100DaysofNoCode, Superpath and see these tools being put to great use in the community! 🤔 The Problem: There are around 1000+ tools available in the community space today! With so many options available, it becomes really hard to narrow down on that ‘perfect tech stack’ for your community! You might get recommendations from fellow community builders, but how do you know if it is the right tool for your community? After all, every community is unique and different. 🛠 Our Solution: The Community Stack. Finding the right community tech stack is half the battle won. We suggest 20 tools for multiple use-cases, suited to your community! The recommendations are based on your community size, type and your budget for the tech stack. We surveyed a bunch of top global communities of varied sizes and categories to land upon the best-recommended tools. It is built completely on a NoCode tech stack using Webflow, Airtable, Typeform and Zapier. It’s super simple - just answer 7 simple questions and voila, the tech stack will be delivered to your email! And, it’s FREE of course! Special thanks to @michaeljnovotny for bringing this to life. 🙌 I hope you find it useful! I’m looking forward to your feedback. Is there a use case that we’ve not addressed here? Leave a comment below and we’ll curate a tool recommendation for that! 👇
Al Khan
@thisiskp_ @michaeljnovotny @shalini_nair_tekwani This is something worth looking into. It can be overwhelming to select the right tools and a customized tech stack sounds like a great idea. Good luck and congrats on the launch!
Michael Novotny
@thisiskp_ @shalini_nair_tekwani I really enjoyed creating this and happy to see how it has helped folks. Community Managers have a hard job. Let's make it easier for them to help more people by finding the right tools.
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@alcaan thank you so much for putting it down so well :)
Another great resource. Keep them coming @shalini_nair_tekwani, @michaeljnovotny and the rest of the team 🙌
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@hdkstr - thank you so much for supporting us always Harold, means much! :)
Prateek Sharma
Love this! I've been struggling with figuring out the right tools for a small community that I want to build. Can see how useful Threado will be for folks like me!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@prateeks Thanks a bunch for that feedback! :) Super start to our day:)
Pramod Rao
@prateeks thanks Prateek for the feedback! 🙌
Srishti Agarwal
@prateeks Thanks Prateek for the feedback.
Kavir Kaycee
Threado has amazing content on community building and now they've created a very useful tool to identify the best stack for community building. Great work team!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
Thanks a bunch for the feedback Kavir! 🙂
Pramod Rao
@kavirkaycee thanks for the support Kavir!
Michael Novotny
Thanks Kavir for the feedback!
Livia Burbulea
Threado Team, the biggest congratulations ever! The level of dedication and attention to detail you put into your work amazes me. I've found sooo much value on your platform! You're awesome, thank you for sharing tools and knowledge with us! @prao25 @shalini_nair_tekwani @michaeljnovotny @aryan_pareek @srishti_says @nitesh_arora and @thisiskp_, congratulations again!
Pramod Rao
@livia_burbulea thank you so much for the feedback and support Livia! Keeps us going!
aryan Pareek
@livia_burbulea Thank you so much!!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@livia_burbulea Thank you for the kind words. Glad it would be of help to you! :)
aryan Pareek
It was Really great working on Community Stack. Thanks for all the support so far and very much looking forward to everyone's feedback on this product!!!! Hope this helps you find the best tools for your Community!!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@aryan_pareek great work :) To many more!
Srishti Agarwal
A big shoutout to @michaeljnovotny and @shalini_nair_tekwani for bringing this idea to life. Thank you so much for making me a part of this. Looking forward to your feedback on the product.
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@srishti_says Was great working with you Srishti! :) Great work!
Michael Novotny
It was great working with you! Loved how the apps pages turned out!
Aashish Ramamurthy
Loved this product by threado. Nailing community education at its best
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@aashi_1994 Thanks for the feedback! :) Hope it help you and your community!
Srishti Agarwal
@aashi_1994 Thanks a lot Aashish for the feedback.
Pramod Rao
@tomjacquesson gets better with every drop :D
Michael Novotny
Hey thanks Tom. Your an inspiration to me for what you’re building. Thanks for the encouragement!
Sercan Oray
Nice product guys! 🤘🏻 Me and my team will definitely benefit from these informations🚀
Pramod Rao
@sercan_oray thanks Sercan for the feedback :) glad it is of help.
aryan Pareek
@sercan_oray Thanks a lot!! :)
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@sercan_oray So glad to hear this! Thanks for the feedback!
Matthew Busel
This is awesome! Great work @michaeljnovotny
Michael Novotny
Hey thank you Matthew!
Ron Fybish
Keep spreading the knowledge🚀🔥 I love it 🙌
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@ron_fybish1 Thanks a lot Ron!
Fateh Ali
Excellent pack for community leaders
Shalini Nair Tekwani
Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)
Noah Brier
This is a great resource. Thanks for putting it together Threado team.
aryan Pareek
@heyitsnoah Thanks a lot Noah!! :)
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@heyitsnoah Thanks for rooting for us Noah! :)
Harshita Jain
Amazing platform! Congrats on the launch, @prao25! 🚀 🚀
Pramod Rao
@harshitajain thanks Harshita! 🙌
Cool product. Congrats on the launch.
aryan Pareek
@basharath Thanks a lot!! :)
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@basharath thank you so much :)
Katt Risen
Another great drop full of useful tools🤯
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@kattrisen thank you soo much Katt! ❤️
Michael Novotny
@kattrisen Thanks for your support Katt!
Joline Ketelaar
What an amazing idea, congratulations on the launch!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@joline_ketelaar thank you so much :)
James Gross
Love the threado team!
Shalini Nair Tekwani
@thejamesgross thank you for rooting for us 🙌
Michael Novotny
@thejamesgross Hey thanks James for your support!
Maya Ben Zid
@prao25 You couldn't have chosen a better timing for this release. Now everyone and their dog are building stacks for all sorts of things! I'm sure a product like yours will come in handy.