Product Hunt

This - Tell the story by adding pointers and commentary to photos


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Ben Tossell
Whats the attraction for people to use 'This' than other similar solutions out there? Snapchat Stories and now Instagram Stories seem to be in this same space and are going to be very difficult to compete with but seem to have a similar outcome
David Carpe
@bentossell I don't use snapchat and rarely annotate on Instagram - I see more use for this in my personal life, like annotating pics for my fam or others who also don't use those apps
I like the idea - but, noly on iOS. Would love an Android and/or Web app.
Tom Klaver
Have loved using this app for a few months now. Fun, simple, functional. I wonder what's next for This!
idea: will be amazing if we merge adobe voice with your point system, can you imagine?
Arun Agrahri
Ideas At Random ...
$ Purchased ... 🤘"This" 📷 app rocks 🎸 ... Easy photo annotations ... The color of the text and lines change based on the color of what you're writing over ... Hold finger down on a line to delete ... Tap on the end point to change it to an arrow, circle or heart ... Tap on the line to change it to dotted or solid.