Nick Parish

Just a Line - Make simple drawings in AR, by Google


Just a Line is an app that lets you make simple drawings in augmented reality, then share your creation with a short video. Touch the screen to draw, then hit record and share what you make. If you’re a developer, you can use the open-sourced code as a starter project for ARCore, or RecordableSurfaceView to grab mp4 video in any Android project.

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Maninder Taggar
Looks Awesome! Let the created lines be public. So that when other people come to the same place, they can see what others drew there.
@maninder_singh_taggar Would be awesome with optional layers for users
Maninder Taggar
@allxflores just like social media post filtering, it can also be managed. But Yeah i would be fun to draw something on my neighbours wall
@halfdanj @alexanderchen @thedantheman @pitaru Google's experiments are always so fascinating 😻 Can you give us some insights on what it's like to work on experiments within Google?
Jonas Jongejan
Thanks! You might find this article interesting where we talked a bit about it:
There is an app called Paint AR that does this and it’s been out for several months
Fun! Now I really want to get a Pixel 😬
Jordan Fourcher
@aleks_muse you don't have to get a pixel to do this. You can get an iPhone and have any variation of this you want! There are so many AR apps on the app store that are free
@jfourcher Right, I'm using a few ones already on my iPhone. Any specific you would recommend?
Jordan Fourcher
@aleks_muse Bruno (@brunolemos) mentioned world brush, which is excellent. Another one would be the drawing tool inside Airmeasure. Airmeasure is totally worth having on your phone anyways, so the cool stuff they add is just a bonus
Bruno Lemos
For iOS, try World Brush, it also records video.
Isabel Berge
like mirror drawing