Alex Latham

Android Things Lantern - Real-world AR with Google's new IoT platform


Transform any surface into AR using Raspberry Pi, a laser projector, and Android Things.

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The augmented clock is a cool concept! Nice work guys!
@jamiesunderland cheers Jamie! That was my favourite too. I think it is the ultimate blend of old and new. A lot of our thinking with Lantern is it's ability to use smart, graphical overlays to enhance analog or 'dumb' objects with meaningful data/interactions
Alex Latham
Amazing new Android Things Lantern by the guys at Nord Projects in partnership with Google. "Rather than insisting that every object in our home and office be 'smart', Lantern imagines a future where projections are used to present ambient information, and relevant UI within everyday objects. Point it at a clock to show your appointments, or point to speaker to display the currently playing song. Unlike a screen, when Lanternโ€™s projections are no longer needed, they simply fade away."
Matt Richardson
What a great use of Raspberry Pi and Android Things!
@mattrichardson Thanks Matt! It was a breeze working with the Pi for this :)
Joe Rickerby
This was our first project using Android Things and Kotlin, but it was a really quick path to rich graphical, connected prototypes. If anyone has any questions on those technologies I'd be happy to share our experience
Forrest O.
@joerick Have you seen ? This kind of form-factor + wide-angle projection + cv would be fun.
Raveesh Bhalla
Pretty much know what I'm going to try to make with the Kit they gave away at I/O this year! Thanks @benpawle @joerick!
@joerick @raveeshbhalla please do! And be sure to let us know how you get on ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Lance Scadden
@benpawle @Joerick This is a project. What is the song playing in the video? Shazam no worky.
Joe Rickerby
@benpawle @lancescadden1 hey lance! I wrote the track for the video last week! Can send you an mp3 if you like :)
Magnus Borg
This project is amazing and the presentation of it is on point ๐Ÿ‘Œ. I am thinking I will have to build this for myself... like right meow! Cheers guys!
@magnus_borg you do that! And send us some photos of whatever you make
Ben Greenock
This is brilliant! Whatโ€™s are your next steps? Keen to hear more about where you are taking it.
Michael DelGaudio
@ben_greenock There are also instructions available on
Joe Rickerby
Hey @ben_greenock ! We want to explore more the use of Processing with Android for some cool visualisations. Love dem generative graphics!
Kristin Gray
๐Ÿ™Œ wow!
Rosie Dias
Weather projections are ace! Could programme it with the morning alarm. I hate that reaching for my phone is the first thing I now have to do in the morning, would be great if the lantern removes that by automatically projecting the forecast for me.
@rosy_dee Pleased you like it! :)
Jonathan Patterson
My mind is fully blown.
Choe Yang
So cool. I especially like the one use case for augmented clock which definitely gonna make life much easier.
Ghost Kitty
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Rudy Lee
Great concept!