Brian Lee

TheyMadeThat - Find the People Who Made Your Stuff and Everything Else


TheyMadeThat is an IMDB for everything; not just movies. It's also Behance/Dribbble for everyone; not just designers. We want to give people credit, help everyone discover them & see the impact of their work. TheyMadeThat can also show what people used to make stuff, who they worked with, how products evolve, and what they're made of.

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Ryan Hoover
I like the diversity of products on the site. Would like to see more information/details for each "thing" though. Many of them are a bit light and seem incomplete (e.g. only listing one maker).
John Max Bolling
@rrhoover I love this as a V1, super interesting to see the collection. I bet a lot of work went into curating this.
Brian Lee
@rrhoover Thanks - yeah content and a userbase feels like a chicken and egg problem. Definitely trying to go for depth more as opposed to breadth
Brian Lee
@rrhoover @johnbolling Yeah the majority of the data was manually entered to dog food the UX
Brian Lee
I'm late to my own party =) I made TheyMadeThat because I strongly feel that it's unfair that most people outside of our community even wonder about who made their stuff as opposed to everyone asking who starred in what movie or TV show. TheyMadeThat is here to give credit to people who aren't famous enough to 'merit' a Wikipedia page. Of course it's more than just a IMDB app. TheyMadeThat can show you how things evolve over time and what they're made of, which hopefully shows the huge impact certain things have on the world as well as the people who made them