Kawshar Ahmed

WP Page Builder - A free, fast and intuitive WordPress page builder


WP Page Builder by Themeum is here with the aim to offer an amazing website building experience on WordPress completely FREE. You can now build websites in minutes without writing a single line of code.

WP Page Builder is a super fast drag and drop tool with free 30+ addons, 60+ pre-made blocks and layout packs with top-notch technical support.

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @jkawshar, Can you tell us more about what you've built here? What aspect are you most proud of?
Kawshar Ahmed
@jacqvon first of all, thank you for your question. Well, we believe this is the best free WordPress Page Builder plugin. Using this tool, anyone can build website in minutes. All features are free but premium quality. For example, this Page Builder comes with 30+ addons, 60+ ready blocks and many layout packs which you may not find in other page builders for free.
Selim Rana

Most flexible and easy to use page builder for WordPress. I hope you like it so much when you start with it. pre made blocks save your time to build a page. Overall i love it.


Pre made blocks save your time to build your website.


API is limited need more option to make custom addon.

Kawshar Ahmed
Thank you for your feedback. Can you please tell me what kind of limitation you are facing to create custom addons? Btw, you can create blocks and layout packs as well in case you don't know :) Thanks
Tales Gonsalves
Looks like a child of Elementor and Divi. @jkwshar What'd you say are the main advantages of WP Page Builder against those 2?
Kawshar Ahmed
@talesgonsalves well, first of all this is a premium quality free page builder. The main advantage is that you have 60+ ready blocks that will help you to create amazing layouts in minutes and all are free. There are 30+ amazing addons/elements which are also absolutely free. And, if you are a developer, you can create addons/elemets, blocks and layout packs and sell/distribute without any limitation. More importantly, this is a new page builder and we are working really hard to add new features day by day. Consider Google Chrome while it was new, but it got improved time by time and became so powerful. I hope you got some ideas :) Thanks
Csaba Kissi
Seems to be very promising. Does it integrate with ACF like Elementor to create dynamic blocks? It would be great to see this feature. Keep up the great work đź‘Ť
Kawshar Ahmed
@csaba_kissi right now this option is not available as this is the first stable release. But, we will add all possible features in the future. Thanks
Lee Rickler
Installed on a test site using basic WP install/ 2017 theme - nothing seems to work. BUT: What with Visual Composer, Beaver Builder and many, many other drag/ drop builders PLUS Gutenberg coming along soon, my question would be - why? What difference would your 'yet another theme builder' bring to the already overcrowded and soon to be redundant marketplace?
Kawshar Ahmed
@pointandstare I am requesting you to install on fresh WordPress where other page builders are not installed. May be the plugin is conflicting with other plugins. This is a free page builder aims to deliver premium quality website building experience without spending money. I know many players are already doing amazing job and we think we can still overcome many limitations that is not possible with the other page builders. Thanks
Lee Rickler
@jkawshar As I said, basic WP install with no page builders and 2017 theme. I wish you well, but, I cannot see builders lasting long with masses of extra work to overcome Gutenberg.
Evan Meacham
So.... how to go Pro? :) Very smooth builder!
Kawshar Ahmed
@architekco Thank you very much. Right now there is only free version :)
Evan Meacham
@jkawshar that’s what I thought, however the layouts had a “pro” badge on them and I was unable to click or insert them into any page. Tested on three different WP installs, all different environments, one of which was completely fresh WP install. Perhaps this is patched now as it’s been a few days since I tried using it again. Otherwise, love the builder! Biggest advantage of this builder, from my perspective, is that not only does it have nice content blocks, but they actually look like they were designed recently vs. being several years old :)
Al Mamun

This page builder is very easy to use. Pre built blocks and section really AWESOME.


Ease of use.


Not sure yet.

Kawshar Ahmed
Nitesh Manav
In the era, when we have established players like Divi, Elementor and Beaver Builder and some other new players like Brizy, Oxygen, Visual Composer 2.0 are ready to roll, I am happy to see a new player in the market. Even being new, the demos are almost bug free. I must congratulate your team for the amazing work they have done in design each elements. I haven't used it yet but can very well say that it's the most premium page builder that is being for FREE with so many features. Few questions: Giving so many features for FREE. How will you justify the PRO version? Are you coming up with something so awesome that has never been seen before? 2. Does it support custom posts, fields created using PODs or ACF or toolset ( most importantly PODs since it's free)? 3. Are you working on White-labeled version as well like Brizy? 4. Is it currently just a page builder or a theme builder as well? I mean, can I create header, footer, archives and dynamic blo posts as well? 5. One more biggest differentiate feature for the PRO version can be- to allow building a hosted website builder platform using your page builder with PRO license. Currently only beaver builder allows this as far I know( Screenshot - http://url.digitallyup.stream/6c... ) Do you have any thought about this? Thanks
Kawshar Ahmed
@niteshmanav Thank you very much for your feedback. Your review inspired a lot. 1. We are releasing Pro version 20.10.2018 and with the release, we will add some pre-made layout packs. But, our plan is to keep the core free. 2. It's support custom posts but we will all other features in the future. 3. I have no idea about Brizy's plan. 4. It's page builder right now but we may introduce site builder features in different way. Let's see. 5. Well, to be honest we do thought about it and in future we may introduce such options. Thanks again for your feedback.
Nitesh Manav
@jkawshar Thanks for the quick response. 3. You don't need to worry about Brizy's plan. I only asked if you guys are also working on a option to make your builder White-labeled for the clients like what Brizy and some other builders are doing. :) 5. You must seriously consider it. As it will give an edge to you over competition which currently only BB is getting. :) Congratulations for successful launch again. :)
Kawshar Ahmed
@niteshmanav 3. No, we are not working on any white-leveled version right now. Will think about it. 4. We will do it. Thanks

WP Page Builder is a free tool that provides you the way to build premium quality themes for your own website/clients website / and themes for any marketplace.

I noticed that it's built by the most popular JavaScript library called ReactJs by facebook. so you don't have to worry about the Speed while editing any page.


Easy to use, very fast and smooth with many ready blocks to make website instant


Not sure yet

Kawshar Ahmed
Overseas Students Australia
Seems very good make. Thinking of using it. Currently using other theme builder, will it be easy to move to this builder? Also, what's the pro plan prices be like? Features in Pro? Good work though. Keep it up.
Kawshar Ahmed
@sam1608 Thank you very much for your feedback. Well, you are welcome to give it a try and I believe you won't be disappointed. Right now we do not have any Pro version but we are working on lots of layout packs and only layout packs will be part of the pro version. We've planned to release pro version at 20.09.2018. We have not fixed the price yet but it won't be expensive for sure :) In terms of moving from another page builder, I think it's not possible right now to migrate data from another page builders because page builders store and distribute data using different methods and use different technology but we will try to make this possible in future. Thanks
Masud Zakaria
Good Product But have developer resources - api doc ? for make a custom block.
Kawshar Ahmed
@masud_zakaria here is the developer documentation for creating addons https://github.com/themeum/WP-Pa... Also, we are working on blocks and layout pack documentation. Should be available by this week. Thanks
Anik Biswas
@jkawshar block and layout pack documentation already has been published. https://github.com/themeum/WP-Pa...
How does this compare with Beaver Builder. Also does this use short codes? Divi uses short codes, Beaver Builder does not and it why it is much better.
Kawshar Ahmed
@androidlove WP Page Builder store data in json format. We do not use shortcode. Thanks
I never built a webpage but ... it looks like it is NOT that easy for a newbie like me, I mean, compared for example with similar project like WIX where it looks like you can do a similar tuning of your website, all in a SAAS, with no need to download anything to your computer. Am I missing something? Curious to know more about this platform
Kawshar Ahmed
@bernardamus Hi, WIX is a different platform. As WP Page Builder is created for WordPress, you have to download and install your platform. However, we are working on to improve overall UX to make it simpler in the future. Thanks
@jkawshar I currently have a Wordpress.com site , I guess that WP Page Builder is for when you own a Wordpress.org then . Thanks for the feedback!
Lorenzo Fiori
Building websites has never been easier :)
Daniel Felipe
It looks amazing, really. Sorry to play the devil's advocate but: How is it different to Divi, Elementor or Brizy? ... Yes, it looks great, but I believe WP Page Builder should offer a different value: 1. Custom Archive pages 2. Full WooCommerce support (single product pages, archives) 3. Support for Custom Fields, Dynamic content 4. Support for ACF (Beaver Builder offers this) 5. Support for custom taxonomies and custom post_types. 6. Headers & Footers <- Now that's some next level stuff... I'd pay anything for that.
Anik Biswas
@daniel_felipe1 1. Not possible. 2. You can edit any-kind of post type, but can not create a common template. But we release this soon. 3. No not support. but we have a plan. 4. We will not check this yet. 5. Yes, it supports custom post_types. Just go to Dashboard > WP Page Builder > Post Type and select your post type. 6. Header and footer builder not included inside plugins. It comes from the theme, but we have a plan to do this.
Daniel Felipe
@anik_biswas HI Anik, thanks for your response. Regarding Archives, Taxonomies and post_types; it was more about building those pages with the builder, rather than just enabling the builder on those pages. I don't know if it's possible or not, but that's what Divi is planning (there was a sneak peak about that a few weeks ago, and a third Party Plugin already supports WooCommerce single product pages: Woo Injector); Brizy is doing that as well (is on their public roadmap, they plan on adding Archive pages as well as individual post_type pages); and Visual Composer already allows it by using third-party plugins, such as "WooCommerce Single Product Page Builder by SiteSao" Take care! ;)
Krishna De
@jkawshar Does this work with Genesis and if I have a template I am already using but to build custom landing pages? Is there a watermark or does it say powered by WP Page Builder as it is free and if so will you have a paid for version to remove the watermark? Thanks
Anik Biswas
@jkawshar @krishnade Yes it supports Genesis framework. However, if you find any problem let me know i will solve this, or you can post this on our forum. Our dedicated support stuff will help you. No buddy, it's totally watermark free :)
Anik Biswas
Hello @krishnade I check Genesis framework. It's working well with the Genesis framework but for the stress row has a simple one line CSS issue. Open style.css file line number 632 remove `max-width` property. Thanks http://prntscr.com/kthumd
Jeanette BM

I am exploring it now and so far, this is exactly what I was looking for!


Promising tool


Have not found major issues

Colin McDermott
How will this work with Gutenberg?
Kawshar Ahmed
@colinmcdermott this works alongside with Gutenberg.
Jonathan Wallace
No free*
Jonathan Wallace
Not free*
Kawshar Ahmed
@jonthnw it's free... But, there is a pro version as well.