The Y Combinator Database 2.0 - Everything you ever wanted to know about YC companies
The most comprehensive and up-to-date public dataset on Y Combinator companies, with all batches from 2005 to 2018. Maintained by Snappr.
The most comprehensive and up-to-date public dataset on Y Combinator companies, with all batches from 2005 to 2018. Maintained by Snappr.
The Y Combinator Database
The Y Combinator Database
Product Hunt
The Y Combinator Database
The Y Combinator Database
The Y Combinator Database
Correction: Add the word LIKE to this sentence in the right sidebar: "See what [Slinkset's] website looked LIKE around the time of their S08 demo day."
Pros:The TAKE ME TO A RANDOM COMPANY button. That kept me from researching the (same-old) basic handful of YC companies I'm aware of.
Cons:Add lists from the opposite end: LEAST popular; LEAST funded; LEAST GROWTH; LEAST influential. Then we can draw some conclusions, takeaways.
The Y Combinator Database
The Y Combinator Database
Remote Team
Summer Bod 2020
Overall, really useful resource. Peace :D
Pros:Really pretty good to use as a resource for companies research
Cons:It would awesome to also have some info about companies pitches (powering or smth else). And not be limited only by YC, 500Startups?