Tim Ong

Coronavirus Map Tracker - Visualise by case type, infection rate and changes over time

Visualise the worldwide COVID situation by types of cases (recovered, sick, dead), changes over time (1-day, 3-day, 7-day), travel restrictions, and infection / mortality rates.

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Tim Ong
I built this mini-app on top of my travel site in about a week to better visualise how each country is doing in the COVID-19 pandemic and to observe any case/country trends over time (also since the travel industry is pretty dead now, I had to look for other things to do). Most if not all the maps I found were focused mainly on confirmed cases and are proportional circle/radius based which creates a vast difference in scale between countries in a critical stage and countries that are still doing alright. This may skew our perspectives, especially if we are trying to really understand the situation happening worldwide. Hence, I made this map which has about 6,000 data points to not only help people visualise the overall situation more accurately but also to illustrate the other types of cases (recovered, sick, dead), changes over time (1-day, 3-day, 7-day), travel restrictions, and by infection / mortality rates (number of cases/deaths per 1M population - which are more helpful indicators of how a country is coping relative to others). The map is updated once a day with data from JHU (time series data) and Worldometers (population, infection rates, and mortality rates). Data for the changes over time is cleaned and computed from JHU on excel before being synced. Information on travel bans and restrictions may be slightly outdated as travel policies for country changes quite rapidly. There are also resources from WHO and links to places where you can volunteer and help with other COVID-related projects too. Will be looking at adding data for the number of tests by country if I can find the right data source. I'm also interested in adding forecasted data if I can figure out a feasible way of forecasting accurately. Hope the map will be useful to some, and that the COVID pandemic ends soon! Feedback and comments would be much appreciated!