Ahmet Sülek

The Stocks - the best royalty free stock photos in one place

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Jack Dweck
Even more stock photo sites: https://medium.com/dustin/stock-...
Ahmet Sülek
@jackdweck yeah, I've based on that article as well. But I've only gave place for the ones having relatively better design.
Brad McCarty
Big thanks for posting this. I love finding great photos for my personal and work blog posts, and being able to use them under CC license.
Jonathan Howard
I'm having a hard time navigating to anything useful via browse, and I don't see a search feature. What am I missing?
Garrett Fookes
I can comment.
Sam Biddle
This is incredibly cool—I'm going to share with everyone at Gawker Media.
Lyle McKeany
@samfbiddle Hard not to read your comment with your typical sarcastic tone. This was a serious comment, right? ;)
Lyle McKeany
This is great for easy access to various stock photo sites. I've used a few from Gratistography on Medium posts and they look awesome. As @staringispolite said though, a search feature would be helpful, although it would require a lot more work to get there I'm sure.
Ahmet Sülek
@lylemckeany yeah, this is for starters, I can add more features over time!
Franky Aguilar
Design is awesome!
Daniel Trittenwein
Looks great!
Ahmet Sülek
I can tell that there will be a search feature ;)
Andrzej Stawarz
@ahmetsulek Please check VisualHunt, is it cool to be added to thestocks.im ?
Viktor Hanacek
Hey guys, is it possible to get www.picjumbo.com to your The Stocks too?