I listened to this during my morning podcast routine.
I missed Trustify when it was on Product Hunt a while back. As @dannyboice said, it's not a sexy industry but one that needs improvement.
Not sure if you can answer this, but what's the most strange request that's gone through Trustify, @dannyboice. 😁
@rrhoover thanks Ryan! We got a ton of new users from when we were trending on Product Hunt when we launched!
We do keep all of our cases strictly confidential but there have been a couple high levels themes across all cases that I've found interesting:
- we have found countless tinder users who were entering a relationship with someone they met through tinder who ended up being secretly married or otherwise committed
- we helped CNN / Anderson Cooper prove that Josh Duggar was having an affair and assisted on breaking the story
- we do work for the Innocence Project which now includes locating witnesses for the Steven Avery from Netflix Making A Murderer
- we have countless cases where users want us to sweep their home hidden listening devices and bugs in their homes.
- we get a ton of requests to administer polygraph tests
I could go on and on :)
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