Felix Melchner

The Personality Reveal - Infer your personality from written text.

A unique way of revealing personality! Unlike other personality tests, the Personality Reveal uses advanced text analytics AI that doesn't rely on predefined answers. Just answer 3 open-ended questions! Take the test now at https://www.personality-reveal.com

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Albert Chang
This is great! Definitely fun to play around with and share with friends. I imagine a lot of people writing subscription newsletters or articles could make use of this professionally @felixmelchner
Felix Melchner
@felixmelchner Thanks @albert_chang4 for sharing your feedback! How would you imagine this to be of use for subscription newsletters or articles? I'd really like to explore more use cases of this technology! Do you mind sharing your ideas with me?
Albert Chang
@felixmelchner I think there are use cases wherever there is any sort of writing online actually (Twitter). For example, writers for blogs or newsletters etc may use it to check the tone of their writing and make sure they're coming across the way they want (more joyful, more dreamer or realist etc) and see how it affects their viewership and engagement, do people engage with more realist content or dreamer?
Rob Chapman
This was fun! What tech is it using under the hood?
Felix Melchner
Hi @rob_chap great to hear that! It's using a text analytics API from a German AI company: https://developers.symanto.com/
Russell McLemore
Can this tech be used to flag the tone of my emails and make sure I'm not unintentionally copping an attitude?
Felix Melchner
@russell_mclemore I'd say so, yes! It uses a mix of sentiment detection, emotion analysis and personality traits detection and could make you aware of your negative attitude before you hit the send button. Great idea btw ;)
Felix Melchner
Hello Hunters! I’m Felix, the creator of the Personality Reveal. If you have done personality tests before, you know that most of them are based on multiple-choice questions that give you little freedom to truly express yourself. The Personality Reveal is different! I’m thrilled to introduce you to the first personality test that actually listens to what you have to say. Just answer three open-ended questions and let the psycholinguistic text analytics AI reveal your personality traits, leading emotions and more. And what’s the best about it? At the end of the test, you’ll be given a tailored set of articles, videos and podcasts that aim to help you build, improve and develop your personality. Take the test now and let me know what you think! Catch you soon! Felix