
The Org - Find the up to date org chart for any company


The Org is on a mission to make the up to date org charts of every company available to anyone in the world.

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Emily Hodgins
Hi @cwylonis @ajarbol how do you keep the org charts up to date?
Christian Wylonis
@ajarbol @ejsnowdon Data on The Org comes from a variety of sources including publicly available pages on the internet (company websites, news articles, etc.) and our active community of contributors. Users can join their own team using their company email address to edit the org chart or add themselves.
Zenia W. Francker
This is scarily effective! I received an update from The Org of organisational changes that was just about to be announced internally. Further, I use The Org prior to sales and network meetings in order to ensure that the relevant decision makers are present. Curious to learn how others apply The Org in your work life.
Jack Smith
looks like a great site. but i don't think this is an accurate tagline: "Find the up to date org chart for any company" as a number of startups that i looked up were missing
Christian Wylonis
@_jacksmith Employees can add their own company to the platform so if a company is missing I would encourage them to sign up and create a team page.
Chris Villa
Congrats on the launch! Very interesting to delve into the data. I already pinged you on the tweets, but I made a custom social media image template for you using OG IMPACT for when your pages get shared: https://create.ogimpact.sh/?temp...
Alex Papageorge
@cwylonis nice launch! Are there thoughts on adding contact information to email/call?
Annabelle May
@cwylonis @alex_papageorge1 Yes, that's what I thinking! Any plans about adding contact info in roadmap?
Christian Wylonis
@alex_papageorge1 @annamaybelle Not at this time. We are not a contact database but rather a way for companies to show off their team to the world.
Alex Papageorge
@annamaybelle @cwylonis When you say show off - can you elaborate?
Jensen Chen
There are two big tech company in China working for the thing as you. One is 天眼查, another is 企查查. Hope these companies can give you more idea. Best wish!
Salil Sethi
Hi @cwylonis and @ajarbol - Congratulations on the launch. The site looks great. The main question is, how did you score such an amazing domain name ;)
Burak Gül
Do you already have a large network of volunteers in place? How do you manage to keep the accuracy up while ensuring the volume of available charts is high? The tagline "for any company" seems to be too ambitious to fulfill. Plus even if you have the org charts, how do you ensure its accuracy, especially at lower levels, where it's not usually publicly disclosed who is whose first line manager.
Sibel Sengul
I couldn't find a drag&drop function for easy distribution of roles and changing teams.
Konark Sharma
This better get integrated/acquired by linkedin because as someone who does B.D this is gold!!