Jack Smith

New York Times APIs - Why just read the news when you can hack it?


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Ryan Hoover
I'm impressed with NYT's willingness to experiment. Maybe we could do a Product Hunt + NYT API mashup. We're organizing a hackathon (details TBD) so maybe someone will do something then. :)
Tarikh Korula
@rrhoover Ooh! As the person that made sure to get the NYT API team at the TCD hackathons I would love to help facilitate this peanut butter and chocolate combo. I'm going to make sure they see this and LMK if I can help in any way!
Joe Fiore
@rrhoover Being part of a Product Hunt hackathon would be great. We're always trying to spread the word about our APIs and we'd love to help out however we can.
Ryan Hoover
@_jfiore that would be awesome. @eriktorenberg and I will be in touch! :)
Mike Coutermarsh
Campaign finance API could be fun. http://developer.nytimes.com/doc...
Solene Maître
I'm very impressed by the quality of side products launched by the NYT recently - from NYT Now to the beta cooking site.
Christopher Davis
@SoleneMa The cooking site especially. As a young single guy, it's one of my top-visited sites. I use it several times a week.
Solene Maître
@cdavis565 sp do I! I love this platform. I can't wait for a mobile app.
Cherian Thomas
@cdavis565 Chris this is very very interesting. Can you ping you offline to understand a bit more?
Martin Bavio
One of the best APIs ever available. Great ideas could come up from this, bravo, New York Times!
Jonathan Moore
If only the Netflix API wasn't shutting down (http://developer.netflix.com/blo...) it would be awesome to combine the NYT Movie reviews (http://developer.nytimes.com/doc...) with movies that are available on Netflix Instant.
Glad to see that they are testing new business models using their APIs as a way to experiment with new third party integrations
Geoffrey Weg
Love this.
Dan Siegel
this is indeed awesome. i want to point out (as a h/t to the gray lady, i suppose) that these APIs have been available for years. our team used the campaign finance API when building Super PAC App back in 2012. @derekwillis was the go-to dude for the API back then...
Joe Fiore
@realmandan Yup, you're right -- some of our APIs have been public since 2008! Derek is still around and responsible for our political APIs, though he's much busier these days, being a major contributor to The Upshot (http://www.nytimes.com/upshot/) and all.
Or Arbel
Perfect for a Yo service.
Jennifer 8. Lee
The NYT (along with the Guardian) is one of the most digitally innovative legacy newsrooms around. They have an amazing range of historical data, from campaign finance, to recipes to movie reviews (it's amazing to read the original review of The Godfather, for example). Also neat is Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, who headed the digital report and is now senior editor for strategy in the newsroom.
Josh Barkin
Says usage of the Newswire API is limited to 5000 requests per day. Seems fairly small to do anything meaningful, other than some quick, fun hacks. Would be great to have someone from over there, over here for an AMA.
Joe Fiore
@joshbarkin Hi there! I manage the team at NYT that's responsible for our public APIs. We actually haven't had much trouble with people hitting the limit with the Newswire API, since the entire set of data is limited to the past 30 days. It's when people start plumbing the depths of our Article Search API (160+ years allows for lots of plumbing...) that we start to run into trouble. Overall, though, we're pretty flexible and I'd encourage anyone who is hitting the limit repeatedly to reach out to us :)
Erik Torenberg
@jenny8lee as someone who spent a lot of years in the NYT - and with the digital strategy report that happened a few months ago - what are your thoughts on how NYT is adjusting digitally?
@eriktorenberg they have tried numerous ways to add revenue streams to their digital business for a while, the API however is hopefully opening up a lot of third party integrations that could potentially help with some ideas for monetization, hope they have a clear developer strategy for building the community side of things
eddie wharton
I love this. Also, the category tagging from the NYT can be very helpful for classification data sets
Christopher Davis
This is so exciting. The finance API is so useful...we'll see some amazing stuff using this. The Congress API has incredible opportunities too. Imagine the applications during campaign season? Sheesh...
Really cool to see the NYT testing the API as a publishing model. It will be interesting to see how this information could be used outside the normal context of just "news" –  providing the foundation for other systems and tools that could use information in completely different ways than simply reporting on recent events. Very cool @_jfiore
Anuj Adhiya
Wow. Would be really interested in a travel api. Some very cool stuff can be done with that.
Sam Cambridge
Super impressed with NYT for being so open, I can see some awesome products/hacks coming off the back of this data.
Thanks for sharing a good app for checking out news. I always use it to learn what happens in New York. I came across one article with collectors ... I was shocked guys I didn't expect that things can go wrong with banks...