This has been a long time in the making, and I'm interested in the PH community's thoughts & feedback.
Since The Muse launched in 2011, we've had Musers with career questions or problems that couldn't be solved just by an article. A lot of them have asked for recommendations, for time with our staff, or for other 1-to-1 help. Eventually, we realized there were a lot of people who might like career coaching, but didn't know where to find it. Not only new grads but parents looking to re-enter the workforce after time off, veterans switching to civilian careers, and new managers seeking to be more effective. We're launching today with our first four offerings -- Resume Reviews, Networking Strategy, Job Search Strategy, and Career Q&As -- but there's lots more to come.
@shloky Yep, absolutely. We vet every coach on two levels -- the general (prior coaching experience, online/media presence, number of clients they are working with currently, any existing online reviews, and a number of other pre-screen criteria) and the specific, targeted to each service they're offering. So for example, a coach offering Resume Reviews would have to provide work samples of "Before" and "After" resumes, as well as multiple references which we speak with.
On top of this, we've worked with over a thousand career experts, authors and coaches since The Muse launched in late 2011, so we have a pretty good sense of what we're looking for.
These may already be in the works but a couple thoughts- emailing them to you @kmin
* Adding coach links to articles, job/company profile, and search pages - Would it be too much to add links/career coach suggestions to relevant/most articles? Feel like that could be a natural call-to-action, with minor customization depending on the article (e.g., resume workshop vs. 30 min career Q&A session). Similarly adding career coach links to the job search / company profiles and search pages... or wherever else the site gets good traffic (and could be capturing users displaying job transition/networking/resume workshop-ing etc. behaviors)
* Displaying coach credentials in terms of outcomes, e.g., successful job placements: If the coaches have prior placement track records or other indication of outcomes (e.g., whether helping someone from The Muse or in prev. client base), could be cool to feature on their profiles. Especially as much tied to actual jobs/companies on the site as possible, e.g., a badge highlighting "Helped XX Musers land jobs in tech" / "Helped clients receiver XX offers in marketing roles" / "Helped XX clients find jobs in NYC"
* In-person, lower cost events as a first-step: I thought the Nov 10 NYC speed-coaching / panel event sounded awesome. I imagine the energy and act of getting to an event would also be a great catalyst for would-be career coach users, who might then find themselves more motivated to purchase a follow-up career coaching session. Might also reduce the perceived awkwardness of a 1:1 skype/phone call with a stranger which could be a barrier to use?
The Official Saastr Podcast #2: Andy Lark, CMO @ Xero
The Official Saastr Podcast #2: Andy Lark, CMO @ Xero