David Turner

Go Set a Watchman - Harper Lee's Follow up to To Kill a Mockingbird


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Eric Metelka
I love both the book and movie, but this seems like a blatant cash grab by her estate. Harper Lee herself is deaf and suffering from poor eyesight. Lee has lived since 2007 in a nursing home in Monroeville, Alabama. She has always shied away from the public spotlight and let her singular work stand on it's own.
Emily Hodgins
The full book is on-sale now! Very excited to read this one.
David Turner
Apparently she forgot all about it, or something!! Glad she found it in the end and look forward to the literary event of the summer!!
Erik Torenberg
@dturneresq J.D salinger too ;) some people are just un-AMA'able
David Turner
Just as background or to remind you about To Kill a Mockingbird: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/mo...
David Turner
The first chapter has now been released! http://www.theguardian.com/books...
Jeff Umbro
I finished the book this morning and it's definitely sitting with me right now. I purposely avoided all reviews and discussions of the book until I had finished it myself since I don't like my own opinions to be molded by the click bait circus. I can't tell you how many people stopped me on the subway to ask "How racist is Atticus?" or "Is it really any good?" The answer to the first question can't be given without spoiling the book for readers, but I can say that whether or not the book is any good it IS worth reading. I would very much consider this a first draft of TKAM if forced to classify it but I also think that certain scenes in this book solidify Harper Lee as more than just a one hit wonder. There's something mesmerizing about both of her stories and whether we agree with the topics or not they both have forced me to think. As far as I'm concerned that makes it a great book. I'm curious to hear what other readers and PHers think about the book if they've read it. The last few chapters really brought the whole book forward for me and I'm swimming in all the different explanations, theories and circumstances that Scout was put up against. (Sorry for any vagueness, but I don't want to put up any spoilers)