Kevin William David

Knowtify - Send smart, automated digest emails.


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Andrea Grassi
Wow, nice to see Knowtify here. I use it with (Weekly/Monthly emails are sent by Knowtify itself) and it's really a pleasure to integreate with. Straightforward api and fast to have all the system setup. I couldn't thank @dskaletsky enough for creating it ;) Good job guys! One question though, @dskaletsky what are the next steps for Knowtify? One thing that always bugged me was how to create even more engaging email by learning from the best & worst practice. Dunno if you have some plan on that line too. (much like the Mailchimp headline tester)
Derek Skaletsky
@andrea_sdl Hey Andrea - welcome. Good question. Lot's of 'next steps' for Knowtify. Ultimately, we want to Knowtify to be the platform that enables companies to use data/information to send the "smartest", most personalized emails possible. So, in the very near future, that means robust rule setting within each email to make content highly customizable, inserting charts into emails as well as other ways to make emails more dynamic & engaging. A/B testing (as you mention) will come shortly after that :)
@dskaletsky Re: inserting charts into emails Have you considered a @datahero or @visageco integration?
Dane Lyons
@techtidbitsme great question! We're actually planning on 'rolling our own' solution here. We've got a working prototype that is capable of inserting data driven D3.js charts into our emails but its going to take some work to get this feature into production. Hopefully that will be available in the next month or so. I'd also love to check out @datahero and @visageco. Maybe we could get a quicker prototype out with one of these tools.
@duilen Might help you to 'weed' out what you do/do not want in your prototype. ;)
Dane Lyons
@techtidbitsme Yeah. Charts are a really sexy feature but they're also really complicated if you let them get our of control in a feature chasing loop. I'd like to start things off with a single chart that gives us some utility that isn't really doable with HTML/CSS. (at least not in emails) So for the first chart I'm thinking it will be a simple line chart that requires the following data to generate. 1) Array of numbers. [34,25,64,12,34,44] 2) Labels for x and y axes. 3) From/To timestamps. 4) Line color and thickness. If people are getting value out of that, we'll move on to the next stage and try something a little more ambitious. It would also be awesome if we incorporate responsive design into our charts to show a more abstracted version with fewer details on mobile.
Ryan Hoover
Intercom, Mixpanel, and Upsight (where I used to work, formerly called PlayHaven) provide tools to broadcast segmented messages based on location, user behavior, current context, etc. What's unique about Knowtify is that they provide this level of personalization within regular email digests rather than one-off marketing/CRM messages. We have plans to customize Product Hunt's daily email for each user, surfacing things like past upvoted products, posts from people you follow, etc. @dskaletsky why did you decide to work on this problem? Did it change from when you started?
Derek Skaletsky
@rrhoover hey Ryan...great comment. We really want to make it easy for companies (apps and otherwise) use "data as content". To date, data has really been used for segmentation, but it becomes really powerful when that customized data becomes the content of the email. The seed for the idea came at my last startup. We struggled getting engagement from our users, but when we started sending highly personal, dynamic daily emails, we saw great results (especially with enterprise 'decision makers'). BUT it was an internal engineering project that took way too long to get on the roadmap & to build. Plus, once they were built, we couldn't manage/optimize them without going back through engineering. Long story short, that's the gist. We have been adjusting to some early use cases (especially with content sites - we now support RSS integrations), but are staying pretty much inline with where we started.
Derek Skaletsky
@rrhoover btw - looking forward to helping you with that one :)
Lenny Hu
Who's the handsome guy on the landing page?
Dane Lyons
@LennsHu Not bad but I think I like the 3 astronauts on the thank you page a little more.
Ellen Petry Leanse
Heck yah. I've seen what Knowtify has done for a company I advise. Making daily digests so easy and targetable saves them big time while building relevance for their users. Highly recommended.
Derek Skaletsky
@chep2m Wow...thanks, Ellen!
Benjamin Diggles
I have personally used this product and it is aces. The use cases seem to be endless.
Dane Lyons
@mrdiggles I can't wait for the next iteration of the Yix digest! I love those animated gifs. I'd just like to be able to share the digest along with some form of discussion/collaboration. Maybe you could have a landing page for each gif and have a meme contest to see who comes up with the best caption. Then the next day you show a new gif + yesterday's gif along with the winning caption and winner.
Benjamin Diggles
@duilen yeah buddy! We are currently re-working the GIF of the Day and would love to incorporate some of these ideas. We did a good POC but the GIFs are on lockdown and not sharable. Many changes coming.
Kevin William David
Segment emails and its contents only to certain users. By showing only relevant content, your digests will be impossible to ignore.You set the time and frequency, and emails are sent out automatically. Checkout the use cases section!
Jared Scheel
This is awesome. Exactly what I was looking for right now!
Dane Lyons
@jscheel thanks Jared! What about Knowtify are you most excited about?
Derek Skaletsky
@jscheel Great! You can email me at and I can give you a personal tour!
Jared Scheel
@duilen We are working on a daily activity email digest for a new product we are putting together.
Jared Scheel
@dskaletsky Thanks for the invite, I'll check in shortly.
Audrey Melnik
I really like the addition of transactional emails. Now I can make those look good. Loving the progression of this product.
Derek Skaletsky
Happy to introduce the expansion of the Knowtify platform. We want all app makers to have single place to manage their automated emails to their users (for several reasons - more in this blog post Happy to answer any other questions!
Derek Skaletsky
Thanks for the post @kwdinc - I'm one of the founders of Knowtify. We just released our beta last week, so happy to answer any questions. Fire away!
Derek Skaletsky
More evolution for us at Knowtify - just released our In-App notification center - InBox by Knowtify - you can check it out here: