The DeLorean
Back to the Future! Or past?
Yasmin Veenman
The DeLorean β€” Back to the Future! Or past?
Ryan Hoover
Apparently DMC Texas is manufacturing a sub-$100k DeLorean replica. Epic. More in Motor Trend.
:: lawson baker ::
@rrhoover Heard about this build, as well! Who wants to go halvesees?
Andy Lee
Wait a minute, wait a minute-DOC! Are you telling me...that you built a TIME MACHINE...out of a DeLorean??
Dan Brooks
Is it going to be electric?
Niklas Goeke
I'm sure @patflynn is checking availability right now :)
Aaron Crocco
I'd buy one but I've already got one. πŸ‘πŸ»
Elia Morling
This car has aged well, and anyone that has had the opportunity to ride in a DeLorean knows it's worth it. Exciting news!
Dre DurrπŸ’‘
I have to cop one of these. The πŸ”‘ to life is a Delorean. But... THEY don't want you to go back in time⏰. They don't want you to win.
Yury Buryanau
Well maybe its time to finally make them LS powered !!?
Andrew Leary
Best BTTF scene ever!
Delorean Rental
You can always Rent a Delorean Time Machine for your event through us!
Samir Doshi
I vote for Elon Musk to get involved
Samir Doshi
Well there are a lot of 80's nerd that have a lot of money now --- so the market is ripe you could say ---- good timing. This is gonna be a fun experiment
David Carpe
zero to 60 in 8.8 seconds...beast mode from the 80's!