Mink 최영신

How You'll Do Everything Based on Your Personality Type - The book that will tell you everything MBTI research won’t


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Greg Cross
This looks like a good book for a rainy afternoon. I will read it in the coming month.
Mink 최영신
Product description: "So you know your four-letter personality type. You know what some of your strengths and weaknesses are. You know which career you ought to pursue and which situations you shine in. But now it’s time to explore everything the research won’t tell you. In this entertaining collection, Heidi Priebe, author of The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide and prominent writer of all things Myers-Briggs, explains how you’ll grow up, hook up, break up and everything else in between, based on your personality type." The publisher is also offering: https://gumroad.com/l/WutLN "Signed edition of “How You'll Do Everything Based On Your Personality Type” by Thought Catalog’s Heidi Priebe. Limited edition item, only 100 available, all orders includes a free Thought Catalog tote bag."