Dima Dewinn

The Breakfast 2.0 - An app for meeting new people over breakfast

The Breakfast is neither a dating nor a networking app. It is a human app. Meet in-person and talk to someone new. Over breakfast.

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Eteri Saneblidze
Hello Hunters! It’s been a tough year and we all have experienced loneliness and isolation. Now, more than ever, people want to get their social lives back and enjoy meeting and talking to new people. The Breakfast is a space where modern humans meet. We, modern humans, work remotely and rarely meet our colleagues offline. We relocate and need to start building our social ties from scratch. We have hundreds of virtual friends and likes, but have few chances to meet and to talk with someone in real life. We grew up and have no comfortable space to stumble upon new people. Surprisingly, there are no social apps that solve this basic need in a humane way. So, here we are — making a human app. The Breakfast is already launched for in-person meetings in Moscow, Kyiv and Saint Petersburg. Now we are rolling out in the US and Europe: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Paris — here you can purchase chances one by one and see how it goes. Come, join us!
Eteri Saneblidze
@porush_puri Great! Porush, thank you for your support!
Lisa Oreshkina
@dimadewinn thank you so much for hunting The Breakfast! I'll add up a few more product facts: 1. The Breakfast is subscription-based and invite-only. Together with the app's straight-forward user flow this keeps it all around having real breakfasts instead of never-ending swiping and texting. You can get an invite code from someone who is already a member or apply to our waiting list. It is quite easy though: you only need to tell about yourself in a friendly and open manner. 2. Once you are in and feel like meeting someone new, you can publish your breakfast announcement. This is when the app starts looking for someone to introduce you to. It takes up to several hours in launched cities, and may take up to several days in pre-launched cities. 3. We call every introduction a chance. The important thing is that you can have only 1 chance in 24 hours. 4. Another important thing is that the app is looking for your chance among those people who decided to take their chances within the same timeframe. So, instead of going through the entire community, The Breakfast makes sure to introduce you to someone who is in sync with you and is ready to arrange a breakfast right now. 5. The Breakfast is neither a dating nor a networking app. Human connections are complex and unexpected, we never know what a new conversation may bring. But we do know that all significantly new things in life happen when we meet new open-minded and friendly people, right?
Paul Mit
Amazing app with a great social mission. Good luck, Eteri and Lisa 🎉
Eteri Saneblidze
@mituhin Paul thank you! Really appreciate your support 🤗
Maria Karagodina
The best communication app!
Eteri Saneblidze
@maria_karagodina Maria, thank you! ✊🏻
Stas Neprokin
Great product, good luck in development
Eteri Saneblidze
@neprokin Thank you, Stas! 🙌🏻
Max Cherepitsa
Wow, love that 'chance not match' idea! < 3
Lisa Oreshkina
@max_cherepitsa1 Max, thank you for mentioning that! ❤️
Yury Subbotin
New perspective on the communication process from inspiring founders. Good luck Lisa and Eteri!
Eteri Saneblidze
@yury_subbotin "New perspective on the communication process" — love it!! Thank you, Yury 🤗
Alex Vokuev
I will use it with pleasure when there is an android version:) Now, I use something similar based on the telegram bot
Eteri Saneblidze
@alxvok Thank you, Alex! Android is definitely on the list, it's just the matter of time 🙌🏻
Nikolai Andreev
Hello, hunters! I'm from Moscow and I've been using the breakfast service for over a year. During this time I met 30 new people: - We went to St. Petersburg together 😍 - We discussed our project together 😎 - We became friends with 3 people 🙏 Highly recommend! And good luck, Lisa and Eteri!
Eteri Saneblidze
@nikolai_andreev1 Nikolai, thank you so much for sharing your personal experience here 🙏🏻🤗
Helena Merk
Worked on something similar 2 years ago -- love the idea, congrats on the launch! Would be amazing to try it for a week for free. I have no way of knowing if there's anyone in my city using it, so hard to commit even for a week.
Eteri Saneblidze
@helenamerk Helena, thank you for your support!! ❤️ The thing is that we won't let you pay if there are not enough people in your city. That is why we have launched cities — this is where weekly and monthly subscription plans are available. And pre-launched cities — this is where you can purchase chances (introductions) one by one. If we have very few people in the city, you just won't be able to pay.
Eteri Saneblidze
@helenamerk Yes, we are trying ✨ Thank you! 🤗
Artem Zavyalov
Neat idea!
Lisa Oreshkina
@aaazavyalov Thank you Artem! 🙌🏻
Eugeny Plokhoj
Great idea! It’s crutual to keep in touch ourdays 🙏🏼
Lisa Oreshkina
@plokhoj absolutely!
Kseniya Negrutsa
Love the idea! I would really like to meet some new interesting ppl, especially in foreign countries (where I spend 80% of my time now). But I wouldn’t use for that neither dating nor networking apps. So many thanks for this product and looking forward to using it!
Eteri Saneblidze
@kseniya_negrutsa Kseniya, thank you! This is one of the reasons we created The Breakfast. We simply wanted to meet new people with neither romantic nor business agenda. We kind of replicated spontaneous real life encounters using tech 😊
Vova Alekseev
Great job, app design is super!
Eteri Saneblidze
@vova_alekseev Vova, thank you! 🙌🏻
Nikita Markov
Love the idea! Planning to try it our soon 🤞
Eteri Saneblidze
@nikkimarkov Yeaaah! Thank you, Nikita 🙌🏻
Misha Yanovich
Truly grateful for your product. Good luck!
Eteri Saneblidze
@misha_yanovich Misha, thank you! ✊🏻
Alexey Strelkov
Amazing app, I love the fact that it's invite only and the flow is really focused on bringing people together to meet in person instead of swiping and endless chats.
Eteri Saneblidze
@data_greed Yes!! That's exactly the idea — less swiping and texting, more real life interactions and conversations ✨
Rene filch
Wow its so cool. I love it
Eteri Saneblidze
@renesans Thank you, Rene!
Liudmila Usova
Best app of 2020. Incredible people and true emotions. Online app that makes your offline priceless :)
Eteri Saneblidze
@liudmila_usova Wow, thank you Liudmila!! Sharing your personal experience is priceless indeed ✨❤️